
The Truth Behind Fear Hole Diane: How Fake Was She? | Rick &

The Truth Behind Fear Hole Diane: How Fake Was She? | Rick & Morty “Fear No Mort” Analysis

#Truth #Fear #Hole #Diane #Fake #Rick


How real is the Diane in Fear No Mort? Did the Fear Hole conjure up something completely false or she we assume that this version of Rick’s Wife is mostly accurate? Today we’re looking at the evidence to see if we can solve this puzzle.

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  1. This video claims that Fear Rick might be considered as acting against the wishes of the fear hole, but that is predicated on the idea that the hole feeds on fear in a way that visibly manifests itself. However, the fact that it manifests itself on Rick, someone who never actually entered the hole, is a good indicator that it doesn't actually work that way.

  2. THANK YOU for utilising a non-diagetic doyalist analysis alongside the more classic watsonian approach to theories on this site. Holding textual evidence as the only thing worth analysing and totally ignoring the things we can gleam from the genre/medium/writers is the most annoying thing that theorists do and it's never useful at actually arriving at the truth. Loved the theory.

    I will also add that the writers have given us a fear hole style Diane before. In rocks escape from the federation, he shows the bugs a "totally fabricated" version of the day Diane died. For so long fans argued about how much of that memory was a mislead and how much of it was real. Turns out basically all of it was real. If Rick's "totally fabricated" origin story turned out to be real, its probably likely that the fear hole can be read as accurate.

  3. Mr Harmon went through a divorce during the shows run and may have projected his feelings onto the question concerning Diane! Also, Rick clearly reveals his love for her many times during episodes!

  4. I didn't think of this until you brought up the idea of red herrings being used to make narrative twists more impactful.
    What if Diane was smarter than Rick, and Rick's relationship with Diane was similar to Beth and Jerry's?
    Maybe she was only perceived as boring by Beth because she made a choice to step away from her scifi escapades (similar to Simple Rick choosing his family over his usual lifestyle).

  5. Seems both versions of Diane are true. RP's Diane was a basic bitch and C137 was the badass. Which perfectly explains how RP could leave and C137 wouldn't and would proceed to go on a murderous rampage when she was taken from him

  6. Maybe Harmon was saying that “boring and bland” was Rick Prime’s feelings towards Diane. I mean that would make sense because he dgaf about killing or erasing her completely. But C-137 Rick never felt that way

  7. I think Hole Diane's overall personality is acurrate, but her actions aren't. The real Diane wouldn't neglect her new family to hang out with an old shadow of her dead husband, that was just the hole exploiting Morty's fear of being left behind.

  8. Do you think there's any credence to the writers also "turning into the skid" when fans shipped Rick with Mrs. Frizzle before the Magic School Bus IP resurged into popularity?

    I can't help but feel both Summer and Diane seem like similar personality profiles to The Frizz, but with more mature traits amplified to fit the show.

    It also doesn't hurt that the distinction keeps them distinct enough to not be considered plagiarized material, both in the fans eyes and the courts.

  9. It could be both? Diane was Summer-like bad ass cool wife until she became a Mum and then Rick thought she was acting boring and Jerry like?
    LOVE new WhitneyVision video day btw <3

  10. Another thing though? The Rick who left Diane wasn't our Rick. That was Rick Prime, who didn't just leave, he murdered her. All of her. …and our Beth isn't Rick Prime's Beth anymore but she's a near-identical duplicate, so her original Rick probably did leave and blame Diane for not being interesting enough which could have warped baby Beth's impression of her actually pretty badass mother?

  11. I mean I was initially under the belief that the fear hole was giving her Rick's traits because Morty dosen't actually know anything about Diane, but taking Beth's early personality into account regarding the early descriptions of her it's possible she wasn't so much mediocre as much as a single mum who had to suppress her natural potential for the sake of her child. Not unlike Beth the reluctant horse surgeon.

  12. Morty got to upload Rick’s memory to see the crybaby backstory.

    Who’s to say that Rick’s interpretation of Diane isn’t laying in Mort’s subconscious? Very much like… bird person’s rick is still in Jerry?

    In fact… iirc, Rick offered to bring bird rick to reality…

    Who’s to say that Rick couldn’t do the same? 🤔 huh.

    If only Rick knew… but I’m guessing that he didn’t connect the dots 🤷‍♂️

  13. I feel like the Fear Hole's depiction of Diane is somewhere in the middle of reality and fantasy.

    I've always felt that the real Diane wouldn't have the understanding of science and technology that Rick does, nor would she have a reason to be as big of a party girl or as badass as Summer has become. Though I think she would still be an intelligent woman who may have been able to keep Rick focused on a task instead of spiraling into obsession.

    I feel like her bland-ness is actually a part of Rick he misses. The simpler times with less chaos and self destruction. It's his innocence and wanting to return to a more idyllic form of himself. But he's become obsessed with the idea of what could have been instead of enjoying his life as it is. He got a glimpse of that after he killed Rick Prime, but after hearing what Morty went through in the Fear Hole, he realizes that he literally lost himself to his obsession, and needs to find himself against, instead of being an agent of chaos and nihilism.

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