
Zambia: emergency services fail to locate missing

Zambia: emergency services fail to locate missing miners

#Zambia #emergency #services #fail #locate #missing


Emergency services dispatched to help around thirty illegal miners, missing for two days in a mudslide in Zambia, have been unable to locate them, the government reported.


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  1. This has to stop. The mine at one time may have been safe and legal. But someone is buying what 'artisanal miners' bring out of the ground, contract-free, incentivizing 'sharecrop labor'. Ruin shows up in the family that a lifetime of 'artisanal labor' will not fix. The machines in this photo could do more valuable work in minutes than trade lives for a selfie chip.

  2. Zambians cannot do anything straight, easy things like setting up a health and safety force to inspect all small scale mines is too far fetched to be done, this is a Country which has so many minerals and no easy to follow framework to empower locals to engage in mining and the hence existence of illigal mines

  3. This is a tragedy that we’ll never forget & it should have not happened if the illegal miners had been working under good safety conditions. We hope & pray for this kind of tragedy never to happen in our nation again. Government should now make sure that no one will be allowed to do any kind of business anywhere without putting in safety measures

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