
Unraid 6.12 – All the new features including ZFS and

Unraid 6.12 – All the new features including ZFS and much more

#Unraid #features #including #ZFS

“Spaceinvader One”

This video takes a deep dive into Unraid 6.12. It looks at creating various Zpools. Importing existing zpools from other systems such as TrueNAS. And alot of other ‘quality of life’ improvements.

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  1. Been binging many of your videos as I migrate from a Synology NAS to Unraid. Would love to see an updated Plex setup. I used most of your share naming for setup of my Unraid. Thanks for being a great recourse.

  2. Hi there, I'm new to Unraid and have just setup my first rig, I used some of your older videos and setup my shares for Downloads (cache > array), Movies & TV Shows (array), only using mover on the downloads folder. Unfortunately radar moves the movies to the movies share while still on the cache and since mover isn't turned on for movies I am finding the movies stay on the cache instead of moving over to the array, is there anyway I can prevent this from happening?

  3. Awesome video as always! I ran into one problem. I wanted to import an existing pool that had a trailing number (zmnt2) . Unraid complains with "Use only lowercase with no special characters or leading/trailing digits" What should I do??

  4. I think the comments at 19:14 are really pivotal if you're making a net-new build for a total migration without use of old hardware.

    Almost every enterprise grade storage system has you build an array first and then assign the disks of that array to 1 or more pools. I created mien thinking this and ended up with 4 ZFS disks and 1 Parity that were all individual Zpools. Maybe a good feature add to allow users to do it the more methodical way…Disk then file system and pool

  5. This worked for me, the only doubt I still have is how to configure the /downloads share, it is in a cache disk but is it supposed to have primary storage and secondary storage or just primary and let the apps that downloaded move them?

  6. I am on the current unraid version 6.12.2 and i have the noVNC toggled on within the VM but when i try to copy/paste within the VM – the clip board within noVNC is blank. I also tried installing spice-guest-tools on the VM and with that being installed, everything works. But then when i shutdown the VM and start it up again, the copy/paste stops working. To get it working again, i have to restart the spice agent service and it will work until the next shutdown/power up.
    Is there something i am doing wrong here? Thank you

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