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How to Build a Fake OpenAI Server (so you can automate

How to Build a Fake OpenAI Server (so you can automate finance stuff)

#Build #Fake #OpenAI #Server #automate

“Nicholas Renotte”

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Disclaimer: This has been developed for academic purposes. Nothing herein is financial advice, and NOT a recommendation to trade real money. Please use common sense and always first consult a professional before trading or investing. These are all my views and not those of anyone else, my clients or my employer, I mean who else could come up with these ideas tbf πŸ˜….

Oh, and don’t forget to connect with me!
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Happy coding!



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  1. I am facing "ggml_metal_init: error: Error Domain=MTLLibraryErrorDomain Code=3 "program_source:3:10: fatal error: 'ggml-common.h' file not found
    #include "ggml-common.h" error, when spinning up the local server any idea how to fix this?

  2. Hey Nicholas loved this video and content! I hope you do a more in-depth project with finance stuff and maybe incorporate an Multi-Agent System like Pythagora GPT-Pilot or Crew AI or something similar that's open source.

  3. Quick question: why use quantised mistral 7b rather than mixtral quantised 8x7b? And presumably it can be finetuned with e.g. qlora? And one can use RAG? Great video, think this is just what I was looking for!

  4. I love your content, thanks for teaching great stuff. It just made me fall in love with AI. I'm glad I'm doing my bachelor thesis related with CV and Continual Learning. Thanks Nicholas!!!

  5. Lately, I have been working with open-source LLMs such as Yi, Solar, Mistral, Mistral merged models such as neuralbeagle and the biggest challenge has been how I can deploy these models and use them in prod. This video has really solved the challenge I was facing and I'm definitely going to use this approach. The biggest problem is that not many servers have GPUs so one drawback that I foresee is the time it'll take to generate a response to an app.

  6. Thank you for this great video, I'm wondering about using this in production and fine-tune it to a specific context by using the openai prompt, is that possible without using the real api?

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