
How Fast is the Fastest Server We Ever Built?

How Fast is the Fastest Server We Ever Built?

#Fast #Fastest #Server #Built


Every second week, we will be releasing a tech tip video that will give users information on various topics relating to our storage products.

Incase you haven’t heard, the next-generation Stornado (F2), is now available for purchase and beginning to ship next week. This is the fastest storage…



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  1. they really aren't selling anything here other than industry standards basically – that is fine but no ip here – they have contributed to open source and seem trustworthy – for small biz the documentation and support is what they are paying for not the hardware – really

  2. Hi Guys!

    Thanks for the video!

    Do you have any plans to show us the real life capabilities with this storage with vmware vms with NFS, iSCSI, NVMEoF?

    It will be really good πŸ™‚


  3. Good video and good questions, a few minor technical inaccuracies such as the IOPs decreases the larger the block size but that's nitpicking. While i dont represent 45drives the amount of VMs you can run on a 64 core always depend on the use case for the VM, the application requirements, the hypervisor vm maximum plus the performance the storage can provide. There are 100TB Sata drives on the market but u can get 61TB Nvme drives. And lastly NVMe will pull more power when it's being used just because it's that much faster and need more energy. But always check the spec sheets for the devices that you want to buy and use. Then look at the number of Vms you can run for the IO and power it takes if u use NVME vs SATA. You will get a better picture of the cost and power for the performance of the vms

  4. Pertinent questions:
    Can it saturate 100Gbe fiber network? (Probably / assuredly) – if it does this easily, what is the next step beyond that?
    How many simultaneous users for SMB / NFS shares?
    Simultaneous 8k video editing / transcoding benchmarks?
    ZFS benchmarks? (As much of a ZFS fan as I am, my understanding is they still need to tweak the code for nvme / non-spinning speed)
    Potential zpool layouts (don't forget ZIL mirror / L2ARC) – mirrors would obv be fastest but you lose capacity, how would you recommend setup RAIDZx vdevs or possibly DRAID?
    How many SQL transactions per second?
    How many Linux kernel compiles per hour?
    How many $big-open-source-project compiles per hour (Firefox, Gentoo, Libreoffice, etc)?
    How long would it take to compile the entire Debian distro (all packages) from source?
    Can it potentially replace X model/series of mainframe?
    –TIA, just some stuff to think / brag about πŸ™‚

  5. A big fan of 45Drives, you guys are doing a fantastic job. Can you please explain the following:-
    1. In the video you talk about the capability of NVMEs to handle 4000 VMs, however, can you also please explain how many VMs can a 64 Core CPU handle? Do the VM's share CPU cores?
    2. What is the maximum size of SATA drive available in the market today? VS the maximum size of NVME drives available in the market.
    3. What is the power draw of a SATA drive vs an NVME drive
    4. What is the idle power consumption of the sever with 32 NVMEs installed?

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