
The USS Zumwalt Can’t Fire It’s Guns… #shorts

The USS Zumwalt Can’t Fire It’s Guns… #shorts

#USS #Zumwalt #Fire #Guns.. #shorts






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  1. People forget that on top of the 25 plus zumwalts plus a another class of cruiser using the same tech the ammunition wouldn’t be nearly as expensive. But of course as with the B-2 and F-22 they cut the number procured. Even if it was the army’s pgk for 155mm shells exists and works and is a whole lot cheaper. No reason why something similar could have been used for the AGS.

  2. It's still kinda useful because they only build like 3 Wich is good enough to counter the Chinese Navy's best ships I think they're only gonna arm it when needed or it's something secret they don't want us to know

  3. Sounds perfectly American to me. Absolutely happy to spend $22.5 BILLION on a boonboggle, but think that having a nationalised healthcare system (which actually helps people) is socialist/communist. What a weird country.

  4. What's worse is the cost of the program was to have a fleet of over 12 ships. Instead only 2 could be completed for the cost. Makes me feel a little bit better about the Royal Navy's D class destoyers

  5. Spent $400 on a pair of shoes. They were amazing until I lost them after getting mind-obliterating drunk 3 years later. Still don't know if the cops have em or if I have em away in a drunken stupor

  6. Well at least we don't have to choose between radar or radio because they interfere with each other and didn't have to cannibalize all of our anti air weapons in a battleship to make just one of them operational… (btw that was Russia. And it was only like a week ago 😂)

  7. I like how the Marines are getting around the lack of big guns in the Navy: Park an MLRS on the flight deck of an amphibious assault ship. Seems like they could park several M109s on some landing boats, then the guns could move inland with the infantry .

  8. Originally the Navy had planned on building 32 Zumwalt class destroyers. This would have required them to build FAR more LRAP shells, which would have brought the projected cost per shell down to $25,000 each. It was only after cutting the program back to only 3 ships, and therefore drastically reducing the number of LRAP ammunition, that the cost per shell ballooned up to $800,000 each.

  9. They just should take the hull and superstructure design and rebuild the everything else.

    Yes it would be starting over but be better than what we had.

    It is the seawolf of the surface fleet.

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