
Norway’s sensational decision… a new disaster for the world |

నార్వే సంచలన నిర్ణయం.. ప్రపంచానికి కొత్త విపత్తు | Norway Deep Sea Mining Goes Controversial | hmtv

#Norways #sensational #decision.. #disaster #world

“hmtv News”

Norway’s sensational decision… a new disaster for the world | Norway Deep Sea Mining Goes Controversial | hmtv #Norway #DeepSeaMining #hmtv Deep sea shaking 30 countries…



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  2. people thinking that electric vehicles are emmitting 0 emmissions is a complete foolishness, they destroy the environment even more than the IC engines. such a greedy people. why don't they just try to increase the tree plantation and governments also need to look into development of nuclear and renewable resource based power production that will help in development and reduction in the global warming. atleast planting 2 trees in a house will reduce the global heat by 5 to 8 percent.

  3. 0:04 Dear, Students, Britishers🤔 Writting, Fraud (Un, Justice)The(188)Years old,Now, Currently,Ruling, in Indian, Law( IPC)Indian Penal Code, Writing, By,Cheating, Britishers(East Indian Company)🙄 The Year of (1835)_🤔___________The Indian Penal Code was drafted by the first Law Commission which was chaired by Thomas *Babington Macaulay. It* was drafted in 1834 and submitted to the Council of Governor-General of India in the year 1835. The code came into force on January 1st, 1860 after undergoing many revisions and amendments. {Evidence see the Google}
    {Here,Unemployed,Students,Percentage,is7.95, The, innocent, unemployed, Students, future, is, very, Poor, Position. You are asking any questions. 🤔🇮🇳 HERE, PUNISHMENT, ONLY, NO, Justice, FREEDOM,& Democracy,😢.__ and We Need Not this, Britishers (OLD LAW, & Totally Cancel it,) WE,Need, Our, Own, New,(TRUE Democracy, LAW) To Our.INDIA, Because, ________________We got, FREEDOM 🇮🇳On1947, and the Britishers LAW is Already (EXPIRED).But, {TODAY} also, Why Should We {Continue & Follow,} That(1835)Years, Britishers(EAST INDIAN COMPANY) OLD LAW.?🤔 Think,& (MAXIMUM) share to all. kindly do, the Needful Fast, Jai hind._🇮🇳Bhagat Singh Party legal Wing, Students need further, information so Search, Google. ___________________
    {INNOCENT, all Indian Peoples, students, ladies,} are Not (Criminals,)👇 Evidence, See the Youtube, Channel, POLICE, lathi Charge India, 😩.

  4. పోనీ దరిద్రం పోతుంది అపద్దపు వార్తలతో భారత్ ను దోసుకు తింటున్నారు

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