
Don’t remove Windows – do this instead!

Don’t remove Windows – do this instead!

#Dont #remove #Windows

“Liron Segev”

Before you jump into Linux or Windows 11, here is how you can SAFELY try any operating system without removing Windows 10!





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  1. As a follow up: it's possible to make a VM that is a copy of your existing, working Windows 10 setup. And then make a Backup copy.
    When Win10 support ends, you can keep running the VM version.
    With no network connection, so nasties can't get in, and that backup Just In Case.

  2. Keep in mind the performance of the operating system will be much worse than if it were running on a physical machine, and it will struggle on graphically intensive tasks. Don't judge an operating system based on that in a virtual machine. Focus instead on getting a system that you're comfortable navigating and getting basic tasks done on. Install a few programs. Try to learn how it works. Stuff like that.

  3. I boot Linux on a different hard drive on my computer, I just reboot tap F11 and it boots into Linux Mint 21.3 I like Mint, I run the programs I can't run on Windows and poke around with the programs I like on Linux, you really shouldn't dual boot, because Windows boot files corrupt easily and I didn't want that to happen so I installed on an HD separate from my Windows installation, it's been about two months now and I like it.

  4. Why would we remove Windows??
    We're not interested in getting rid of Windows, we're ONLY interested in getting rid of WINDOWS 11 because it's an abomination, a spyware infested, telemetry driven, malware POS of vomitous filth…..The only people who would recommend Windows 11, or support that OS are Microsoft Shills….Tell me Liron are YOU a Microsoft Shill?

  5. Very cool thanks!!! ๐Ÿ‘ I may have misunderstood something you mentioned at the beginning. I currently have Win10 on my MS Surface Pro5 which does not meet Win11 requirements. But using this VM method, I still can't use Win11 in a VM environment even by tweaking those hardware configurations? That's how I understood you. Please correct me if I misunderstood.
    Love all your videos BTW!!

  6. How can I use this information to dump Windows entirely? All my music and movie files are on external USB hard drives. I know I can export all my Bitwarden and Proton Pass password files. I have a 1 TB external USB drive that I have been trying to install Linux Mint to, with no success. I have a ASRock main board that doesn't support TPM.

  7. Watching this on my Linux Mint SSD mini PC….relaxed…. sipping latte…with some sugar coated twist
    the w$11 ssd for this unit stored….somewhere…(tries to look around where it should be)

  8. I usually set up separate computers with only Linux & leave 1 computer on Windows 10 & another on Windows 7 SP 1. I want to set up VirtualBox on the Windows 10 box & install Kali & Ubuntu .ISOs. I have used other hypervisors before, but never VirtualBox. Questions:

    1. Can I move documents from the Windows underlying file system between Windows & one of the Linux documents directories? I already have 30 TB on the Windows machine. How do I do it? I think there is a setting in VB, but I don't know it.

    2. I want to be able to mount an external USB SSD drive and a thumbdrive directly dedicated to my Kali Linux & the same to my Ubuntu. Can Kali & Ubuntu share the drives since they are both Debian children or do I need separate drives? What format should I format the external drives to & how do I mount it through VirtualBox?

    3. If I already have a spare external non-SSD drive, how do I mount it to Linux on VB to use it for all of my storage – instead of allocating it on the C:/ drive.

    I need to be able to move content back and forth among the different operating system if at all possible.

  9. I still have Windows-11 – it is on an SSD that is in a box, on a shelf down in the spare room. The case it came out of has a new SSD loaded with Mint – and I have never a regret.

  10. ANY VM macine REQUIRES a lot of resources out of the host computer, so we are talking about serious ones of the harbouring PC!๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  11. There's a big problem. Win 10 and 11 do not recognize the NVME ssd and an external driver is need, and after I managed to get this driver, the laptop gave me the blue screen of death.
    So I installed Windows 10 on external hard drive via USB to use as an OS that is loaded when the USB connected, and there's no sound.
    For some reason, the new laptops that comes with Windows 11, their motherboard drivers do not work on Windows 10.

    So I installed Zorin OS 17.1 (Ubuntu based) and everything works like magic. Easy installation, many software are pre installed, a HUGE list of software that can be installed for free, it is ready to take Windows third party software, no messing with the terminal and no AI Copilot and Recall.

    All Windows users. Check Zorin OS. You'll be surprise how much it feels like Windows.

  12. For people new to VM's I would highly recommend that you don't share files and folders between your actual machine and the VM. You could accidentally infect your machine. Its not likely but I have seen it happen. You may want to keep your machine and the VM as isolated from each other as possible.

  13. Great video. I've been thinking about trying linux.
    To play around with the 2nd system once installed do you first launch the VM then have a system to select?
    Are you in VM software when you download an operating system to install? If not, how do you get the download to the VM software.
    I assume you cannot move files from your primary operating system to the 2nd system. True? This is why I asked the previous Q.
    Did I notice you moved between the primary operating system and the 2nd system?

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