
Does the RX 580 still hold value for GPU Mining?

Does the RX 580 still hold value for GPU Mining?

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  1. AWESOME video and thank you for doing this so I can point to it and shut up some who look down their nose at me for STILL running my OG cards from 2018. I've sold off or donated most of that original farm, but I won't shut down my final rig of PowerColor Red Devils that made me a lot of $$$ during the ETH days, and still hold their head above water today. I also had MSI Gaming Xs and Armors, and XFX Black Editions. And early on rigs of 4GB cards before the DAG change. Look at the Hive share numbers! They don't lie! These things WILL NOT DIE!

  2. Love it i Watched your Videos and Start Building my first Low Budget Rig with P106-100 and now i think about too build a sec one withe 580 I love too See the Rigs Working thanks for soo much Infos for Beginners !

  3. Still have 24x580s mining kawpow. My first two rigs. Won't ever shut them down, it's worth mentioning that i am on solar..also i use the agressive undervolt setting on hive's configuration page. Does help with wattage and heat

  4. I have them… in a box on the shelf. I also have RX580 4gbs and RX470's and a RX570 all off. But I dropped a ton a money just prior to ETH switching to POS. But I am very Glad to have my RX 5700 XTs out of the box and mining. I paid over $500 each for a 8 card rig. When they were making over $5 a day per card 5700xt so $40 a day on ETH those were the days LOL. HobbyistMiner had the RX580's mining Kaspa at a very low pw level.

  5. I have 24 Sapphire RX580 8GB, and 3 RX570 8GB. I ran them for about a year until the crash of 2018. Haven't ran them since.

    A lady friend of mine lives on the 24th floor in a 3 bedroom unit her family has been renting since the 70's and up to this day they have no electricity bill, and 2 rooms have been freed up. They think I should start a mining operation there, but I don't particularly feel like doing it for many reasons. While I don't mine anymore, I like my rigs and maybe I'll repurpose them for machine learning, or maybe I'll use them one more time this bull run if the profits are good enough. If I do that I'll probably have to flash the bios again.

  6. I still have two rigs of Polaris cards going – some of why is I pay only .02 – .03 kwh during the winter so its free heat for the house. I want to start upgrading them to RX 6600 XTs, but these are so cheap to replace at the same time. Most of these cards have been going since 2018 and never die. I picked up a couple for $30/each the other day. They've already paid for themselves. One algo that doesn't show up on hashrate is ghostrider. The cards do decent on that when they've got some coins surging and don't use much power. Thanks for the video!

  7. I still have them and mining Alephium for server months. For 580 with Hynix memory run this command in HiveOS and watch power drop 🙂
    echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/pp_dpm_mclk
    where 01:00.0 is info from HiveOS

  8. Ubuntu is free and is much better than windows for mining. If you know a bit of Linux stuff you don't even need HiveOS (make some scripts you execute on remote with SSH to download and install miner and launch)

    AMD drivers on Linux are a Nightmare. It is not beginner friendly at all.

    NVIDIA 1660S is (for example) a much better cheap card to start with (90$ on second hand market, profitable for many coins like Pyrin with electricity at 0.1$/kWh)
    In general beginners should avoid AMD.

  9. If you want to mine on a budget, 1660 ti or 1660 super is more expensive, but way more efficient than a 580. Also much more flexible on the coins it can mine. I'd rather have 1 1660 ti than 6 580s for mining. Yes, the yields will be better on a bunch of 580s. But you'll be losing money. You'd be better off just DCAing at that point.

    The 580 had two full cycles of mining, and have made people a lot of money for the last decade. But it's time to upgrade.

  10. thank you for this video. i have one old school rig with 15 x 580 and still working. brand gigabyte, bios sapphire, mem sk hynix, vdd/vddci 900/900, core 1100, mem 2100 on kawpow. on eth/etc vdd/vddci 900/900, core 1150, mem 2150. works like charm. but they work on nicehash all time.

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