
Installing TFTP On Server

Installing TFTP On Server

#Installing #TFTP #Server

“Tall Paul Tech”

Compiling and installing a simple TFTP server.







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  1. If you're running a systemd system, you might want to use a proper systemd unit template:

    Create a file /etc/systemd/system/opentftpd.service with the following contents:


    Description=TFTP server










    ExecStart=/usr/bin/opentftpd -i /etc/opentftpd.ini

    ExecStop=pkill opentftpd

    ExecReload=pkill -HUP opentfpd

    Reload systemd with 'systemctl daemon-reload'
    Now start and enable openftpd"
    systemctl start opentftpd.service
    systemctl enable openftpd.service

    If you're running a systemd system like most recent distro's these days, try to stay away from oldschool init.d scripts. Systemd has many features that are missing from obsolete init systems.
    use 'sc is-active opentftpd.service' to check if a service is running. Did you make a change to the config file, use sc reload opentftpd.service to give opentftpd a HUP signal.

    Edit: I have an alias 'sc' for systemctl. I use systemd a lot and I'm lazy, so I use a shortcut 😉

  2. Hi,
    I like your videos.
    But you should learn more about networkmanager vs ifupdown and more about systemd.
    For the second one, you use upstart scripts. That is possible but mot the best on Debian. Systemd ist the default.
    For the first one you configured on another video that network manager will not modify the resolve conf. That indicate that the nétwork manager is running. But you configure your ips on the interfaces file that is an ifupdown script and has nothing to do with network manager

  3. nice… my current system is that I have a firewall/router running pfsense, and a vm machine running proxmox. what i'd love to do is to have a vm or LXC running a tftp server so that I can netboot vms for things like windows or even a thin client. but i have no idea how to do that. maybe a great video idea ?

  4. Been considering this for a build/utility subnet for some time – my USB keys walk around my flat when I’m not looking and run far away when they are actually needed (UBCD, etc.).

    I’m a little apprehensive running the daemon as root on the host, is there a preferred way of bypassing or removing the <1024 port restriction or perhaps using NC forwarding to listen on 69 with root and forward internally to something else tolerant of running as user? I’m not sure how secure the daemon is from misadventure on a network here. I'm considering a subnet that is designed for servicing outside and untrusted machines, hence my apprehension.

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