
The Secret to Drawing Overwhelming Detail!

The Secret to Drawing Overwhelming Detail!

#Secret #Drawing #Overwhelming #Detail

“Stephen Travers Art”

How often do we not draw a scene that really appeals to us because parts of it are just too full of detail we know we could never draw properly? Hear the secrets of an artist with a reputation for capturing detail effectively. The principles are demonstrated with a field of flowers, but with…



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  1. It really helped me a lot. not only to drawing but to my writing. All creative activitys are related! Thank you, Mr.Stephen Travers. I have been overwhelmed in every situation, but thanks to you, I can get through lots of things.

  2. i had been wondering avout this for a while,like how, many artists draw with extreme details in trees, or overall greenary and in articture, which looks a bit messey and detailed at the same time.
    and to my surprise the things you said in this video about the fake detail really the thing which i was looking for, i went back and checked few of the art which i was wondering about and they all use the same tackticks.
    Thanks for this video, i got to learn something new

  3. There is a wonderful sense of understanding here. That information is lost in distance, and that only the overarching sense of what might remain visible, gets rendered… haha I love it. I keep learning.

  4. First thing I was taught in art by my brother, Art is an illusion, So exploit every trick you can to make it look how you want. Implying detail has always been a useful tool, but this is basically the extreme version of that by manipulating perception via expectations you set with your foreground, VERY cool.

  5. I think the best example of this is…

    did you ever painted a window? did you ever added an angled line to it to make it look more like glass? you are painting the effect of the detail, not the detail.

  6. This was very helpful, thank you! I haven't drawn in ages, but drawing architecture and nature like you do seems so calming. You've inspired me to return to this lovely hobby 🙂

  7. Such a useful video, thank you so much!
    I'm doing botanical watercolors, so it's very tempting for me to fixate on all the details, even when I'm sketching on location. I'll have to try your approach, I'm sure that's exactly what I need to loosen up without compromising the overall impression of a busy scene.

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