
The Alan Parsons Project : The Turn of a Friendly Card : Deluxe

The Alan Parsons Project : The Turn of a Friendly Card : Deluxe Box Set : Review

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“Now Spinning Magazine with Phil Aston”

The Alan Parsons Project : The Turn of a Friendly Card : Deluxe Box Set : Review

A deluxe limited edition boxed set of the classic album by the alan parsons project.

• Three cds and one blu-ray disc (region free), remastered and remixed from the original master tapes by alan parsons.




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  1. One of my favorite APP albums. I love esoteric recordings and how well they curate a good box set, but I'm leary of how they packaged the discs in there. I bought the Al Stewart "time passages" esoteric four disc set, and much to my disappointment, all four of the discs had come out of the the folder during shipping and handling. All four of the discs got scratched up. They do play though, but I don't like the idea of paying $80 for a new set with scratched up discs. Evidently many other Americans who purchased the Al Stewart set complained of the same thing. Anyhow I'm glad to see you got yours in good shape. Once again great album!

  2. As always I'm blown away by Phil's knowledge of the band, product, and box set evolution (not just 2 disc's but 4 of different material – nice insight).

    Kinda different question but what dialect do you speak? It's not Cockney. I'm just curious that's all.

    Rock on.

  3. I'm more of surround freak myself and I do like this album quite a lot it. I pretty sure they have also released a standalone blu ray edition as well. Kudos for that as well cause it gives us poorer folk the chance to get our hands on the 5.1 mix without having to sell a kidney to buy the boxset.

  4. Firstly, I love Alan Parsons, and I love Turn of a Friendly Card. But this release is something of a disaster.

    How so? Well, in several ways. So here they are:

    1) There have been three previous sets (Tales of Mystery, Eye in the Sky, Ammonia Avenue) and those included a Vinyl pressing. The Vinyl is missing here.

    2) Since the Vinyl is missing, they made the box smaller. Gone is the lift-off top, and now we're down to 10". The consequence of this is that they won't look good on the shelf. Cherry Red committed to doing a series of AP releases, and I strongly feel they should have stuck with a single format/content (media) in each.

    3) The book is a downgrade on the previous books because now it's paperback, where the others – which are larger – were hardback.

    4) They have already announced the Blu-Ray will be sold on its own a little later. That's great for those who just want the hi-res and Surround mixes. However, given the vinyl is missing here, the book is paperback, etc. this means the value of the box has had its heart ripped out. Think about it – what's exclusive to the box? The snippets of Wolfsen's writing process – some of which was on the last CD release and really aren't something you play often, and disc 3. It's not much when you consider my next point.

    5) The price. This debuted at £69.99. That's more than all of the Be Bop Deluxe sets cost bar Live in the Air Age which has a huge number of discs. The Blu Ray, if it follows previous sets, will be say £20. So you're left with a £50 delta for disc 2, disc 3, the poster and softback book. The value just isn't there, imo.

    For the record, I have the previous sets, and I've been avidly looking forward to this release for a year! Now it's here, I've not bought it! I just can't justify this set at the price being asked. Not to forget the aforementioned shelf issue. I buy a ton of stuff from Cherry Red, and love the work they do. But for me, they got this one wrong. I hate the size change. I hate the Vinyl is missing. I hate that the book is softback. I hate the pricing. Which really bothers me, because I can't tell you how in love with the prospect of it coming!

    I, Robot should be next. Or perhaps the outstanding Pyramid. Those should be hugely exciting – but now, sadly, my expectations have gone from the very best to "meh". I really don't want a 10" box for these, and not at that price point. I also think they need to think about releasing the Blu-Ray on its own in terms of what value it leaves in the box. When the Vinyl was there – sure. But without it? It's a tough one.

    All in all then, great album, but sadly a release that disappoints this AP fan. I hear the mastering on the CD is excellent, so that's something for those that get it. But for me, I feel let down.

  5. Thank you once again for a very helpful video … pack looks great and, while I would love to get the book, I think I will go for the stand alone bluray disc release on 26th May which looks to be very good value for the HiRes mix … keep up the great work … CMcG, Aberdeen, Scotland

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