
This is your brain on trauma.

This is your brain on trauma.

#brain #trauma


Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and Meditation, and now Trauma!
With 150+ video chapters in a Final Fantasy-inspired skilltree, the new Trauma module is available for preorder!

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  1. Introduction & Disclaimers: 08:48
    Community Requests & HealthyGamer Guide: 10:28

    What is CPTSD?: 16:23
    – Prevalence of PTSD & CPTSD: 16:43
    – History of PTSD & CPTSD: 18:07
    – Core Features of PTSD: 21:06
    – Illustration of PTSD: 21:58
    – Chronic Trauma & CPTSD: 26:33
    – Visualizing PTSD vs CPTSD: 27:58
    – Early Trauma & Perpetrators: 30:09
    – Judith Herman & "Trauma and Recovery": 31:18
    – Bessel van der Kolk & "The Body Keeps the Score": 33:25

    Understanding Trauma: 33:47
    – Hyperarousal: 35:04
    – Dissociation: 41:18
    – The Role of Emotions: 47:58
    – Loss of Identity: 50:22
    – Impulsivity & Paralysis of Initiation: 59:51
    – Relationships & CPTSD: 1:03:42
    – Relationships & Disturbed Sense of Self: 1:14:36
    – Recap: CPTSD & its Impact: 1:18:22

    Treatment & Recovery: 1:21:10
    – Trauma as Adaptation: 1:21:39
    – Rewiring Physiology: 1:22:46
    – Reconnecting with Emotions: 1:30:33
    – Articulating Emotions & Language: 1:37:13
    – Social Cognitive Emotions & Relationships: 1:43:44

    Video from the HealthyGamer Guide: Paralysis of Initiation: 2:03:21

    Q&A: 2:21:11
    – Disagreeing with your therapist: 2:22:19
    – Going to therapy for the first time: 2:32:34
    – Differentiating ADHD and CPTSD: 2:26:32
    – CPTSD, Addiction, & Sense of Worthlessness: 2:34:29
    – Trauma from incubator experience: 2:39:19
    – Impact of different household styles on CPTSD: 2:40:23
    – Safety & Trauma Healing: 2:42:09
    – Bringing up CPTSD with a therapist: 2:49:23
    – Explaining CPTSD to a family member: 2:52:56
    – Will trauma ever go away?: 2:57:26
    – Addressing trauma sources in the world: 2:58:03
    – Building a sense of self: 3:00:09
    – Resisting trauma treatment: 3:00:44
    – Curing CPTSD: 3:01:26
    – Trauma treatment & happiness: 3:02:14

    Closing Remarks & Trauma Guide Preview: 3:09:20

  2. No formal diagnosis here but the near binary description of paralysis to impulsivity does define essentially every day of my life lol. The frustrating part for me is that when you are already an adult in a ditch requiring yourself to outperform baseline just to stay afloat, any impulsivity that does come along is at least a chance to finally drive progress of any kind and it puts you in a position to be extremely precious about it. But impulsivity is pretty bad at picking a consistent direction, so even the volatile whips of effort you try to grab before you miss your chance, actually pull you in an unrelated, or counter productive direction more than half the time and you would’ve been better off letting it pass anyway. But you’ve already lost so much time doing nothing, how could you CHOOSE to do nothing when you finally do have a say in it??

    Breaking the cycle of some trance of nothingness putting you extremely far behind, nursed by a genuinely desperate indulgence of literally any sub-viable impulse to exert effort is something I have not yet cracked. When times are good it sometimes manages to resolve itself, but if I can only add to the world or exert my will on it when everything is already going great I’m doomed… Things going great is not the worlds default state, and depending entirely on extreme riptides of exogenous momentum is a fools quest. At least I can see that but fuck is it frustrating to get rugpulled regardless of how many different things you try.

  3. I got diagnosed with CPTSD (among other things) this month. Really nice timing that you upload a new video on this topic. So far it has been really validating and it makes a lot of sense.

  4. Hey congratulations on your med School graduation moment im happy for you man. Youve done very well for yourself and your family and no the world. I appreciate you dude🤘

  5. Please, for now and in the future sir, please possibly cite all papers that you have open and/or verbally say as a reference in the description post-publishing of the video. For this, maybe have the mods help or use an AI-powered live citation generator (what program, I don't know). If you already have this info on the website, disregard. Alternatively, maybe make a Google Doc of all the sources you have open/say and make a sharable link, if that's more efficent. I say all this because of the frequent comments seen in the chat about "Where do I find x paper?" Anyways, thanks for the stream!

  6. Well…turns out that bad relationship I was in for a yr was abusive and I've been traumatized to some degree 🤔 interesting… Maybe I do need therapy to talk about this.

  7. I appreciate your honesty about having to look things up sometimes. If every psychologist would be that honest, health system would be a whole lot better.

  8. BTW correct me if im wrong Dr K, but I hear you use neurodiverse instead of neurodivergent a lot. Doesn't neurodiverse refer to a group of people that has different neurologies? And neurodivergent is someone who isn't neurotypical? So someone can''t be neurodiverse, a group can be neurodiverse

  9. This came out at a scarily perfect time – I've just been diagnosed with CPTSD, and my diagnosing psychiatrist + therapist are recommending somatic therapy (in additition to my regular talk therapy. Dr. K, do you think you'll do a video on somatic therapy (or include it in your CPTSD Module? I'd never heard about before until recently, but after doing some prelim research on it it already seems like it'll help a lot.

  10. I LOVE that you validated the existence of CPTSD!
    I had a crisis line operator about 2 years ago told me that CPTSD doesn't exist and even if I did, I didn't have it. Like I'm no professional but I'm pretty sure that is NOT what you say to someone on the CRISIS LINE!
    It's wild to me that many mental health professionals I have seen have never heard of CPTSD.


  11. I relate to so much of this and have been told I have CPTSD by a therapist I saw while in med school (thus I moved away for residency and can no longer see them). I’d really like to see a therapist well versed in this topic to help guide me through overcoming the ways I still feel so held back by my own nervous system, but my experience has been it’s rare for therapists to be adept in tackling the complexities that go along with healing from how you grew up. Might buy the guide, I just feel like working with someone in real time will feel like a missing piece, and also, I don’t know if spending all of that time watching content alone will really be good for me or will just lead to more sadness about always having had to power through things alone in life due to never really having a healthy, supportive family.

  12. 1:21:05 CPTSD doesn't have to be our destiny! It 🧠 can get better ❤️‍🩹

    1:21:35 CPTSD is an adaptation, we were not born with it… it's not genetically wired in our DNA.

    1:22:28 even though CPTSD is debilitating and it screws up our lives… it can get better.

  13. 1:08:27 Agree 💯 %!!!

    It's not fare!!! Human Beings with untreated CPTSD are conditioned w/ basic survival skills in order to cope in life! Unfortunately those survival skills are Wreaking Havoc on relationships! Those very skills meant to protect us as children are destroying our marriages and raising another generation of adverse/traumatized kids!!!

  14. 1:06:15 Why parents scoring high in ACE's feel nothing for their children…we didnt have the capacity as parents to use words to connect with our children emotionally … we were dysregulated and unable to deal with our own emotions! We had no words to express nurturing, protecting… meeting their emotional needs as a parent.

    The beauty of neuroscience! Spread the news preventing the repeat raising kids w/ CPTSD, BPD, NPD, etc! ❤️❤️‍🩹🧠

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