
My Son is Stacking BITCOIN for his Future with this

My Son is Stacking BITCOIN for his Future with this 1660 TI GPU Mining Rig

#Son #Stacking #BITCOIN #Future

“The Hobbyist Miner”

In today’s video My 10 Year Old Son and I Build his First GPU Mining Rig Server Case, Packed Full of 8 x Geforce GTX 1660 TIs. He is very interested in Stacking Bitcoin with his New GPU Mining utilizing the NiceHash OS. Enjoy today’s video as My Son learns exactly How to Build a GPU Mining Rig…



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  1. 0:00: ๐Ÿ”ง Building a GPU mining rig for a 10-year-old with a new server case and partnering with BT Miners for their mining app.
    2:58: ๐Ÿ’ป The video demonstrates the installation of a GPU and PCI cables.
    8:56: ๐Ÿ”ง The video discusses the issues faced with the compatibility between NiceHash OS and Polo Miner cases.
    Recapped using TammyAI

  2. This was awesome. I did the same thing for my nephews with my old cards. Might look like small profit for now. But that will amount to something. Mini Hobbyist Miner here he comes! โš  Future bitcoin master millionaire.

  3. Not only is he learning the ways of the miner, but he's getting memories of time spent with dad that he'll never forget!!! Priceless my man! Btw, with nicehash os, how do you do your settings for your cards? Or is there an auto tune that changes the settings for you? ( I may have missed that part)…

  4. Man, same with me I remember when I first started I was like 10-11 I would say like just starting 6th grade. My parents didnโ€™t really believe in this cause I had like Asian parents and they wouldnโ€™t spend money on computers so I ended up saving some money and getting a basic computer and then soon to a mining rig. Iโ€™m pretty sure this was back then around like right before like bitcoin, skyrocketed, and like people start believing more. if you did the math yes Iโ€™m still pretty young but Iโ€™m still building my dream of being a full-time miner in the future and it probably wonโ€™t just come like that easy and I might not even make it but at least Iโ€™m trying. I am also expanding to different kinds like hard drive mining and bought a powerful 3900X for CPU mining and Iโ€™m thinking about getting into ASICs. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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