
Could helium discovery reinvigorate Iron Range’s mining

Could helium discovery reinvigorate Iron Range’s mining industry?

#helium #discovery #reinvigorate #Iron #Ranges #mining

“WCCO – CBS Minnesota”

A Canadian company working in mining up north accidentally discovered a pocket and thinks it could be a major find. They say their project to look into the find could bring lots of jobs and money to the Minnesota region where other mining has been on the decline.

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  1. The depth of the well is very shallow – which will make development easier and less expensive. The old He resource in Texas/OK/KS was a by product of natural gas which was deeper and less concentrated.

  2. Mmost the heium leaked out cuase the they didnt cap it off the well years ago when they found it, now there pry aint much left in the ground they are drilling, they can only hope there is another cap deeper down…

  3. Where did the 3 seconds of audio go from 5:26 to 5:29? And, what the heck happened when they ran away with their tails between their legs and let gaseous gold blow from the well while they wondered what they hit? All that helium gone, flowing for three days!!! Glad they figured it out! Helium is an important resource used in so many things. Best wishes.

  4. Prediction: Helium will be opposed in an anti business – anti mining state like Minnesota for whatever environmental reason imaginable. Jobs and Tax revenue are a poor reason to improve the economy on the Iron Range

  5. Wow. That's too bad they let it blow out for a whole day, but that's a great find. Since Helium is inert, what we've got is what we've got. So once there is no more Helium getting extracted from natural gas sources, we've got to wait a few hundred thousand years for Radium, Uranium, Thorium and other radioactive elements to make it.

  6. I can't believe they wasted all of that helium for FIVE DAYS. Didn't someone have or at least bring in a simple explosimeter?? I'm sure the MN state environmental agency must had plenty on hand that they use for their Underground Storage Tank program. Sheesh.

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