
How To Mine GRAM – GPU Mining Money Printing

How To Mine GRAM – GPU Mining Money Printing

#GRAM #GPU #Mining #Money #Printing

“Rabid Mining”

How To Mine Gram GPU MINING


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Miner Bros: (“RABID”…



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  1. Sir only 1 question to ask an first of all a big thanks for making this vid as i was wondering how to mine this coin I am using Trust wallet Ton address so how will my coin come there will it be converted to ton pls guide

  2. Followed your video, love your content! One thing I'd like to add, the Ton wallet you swapped to Gram for so you can have the Gram Wallet address, looks like those are the same address. I just tested it and unless I made an 'oops,' it's the same wallet address. Thanks again for the content and take care!

  3. Well, that 30% fees killed it. For example, you mine with 2080, which I think is still decent. You have options like Zelhash about 60 cents and then you have GRAM that will mine you about 81 cents at the time of writing, but with the 30% fee, that comes down to 56 cents… You are using less Watts on the GRAM, but that 30% really nullifies the gains.

  4. First coin I can actually mine with reasonably w/hashrate on my main computer 7900XTX. It does ~5GH/s at ~120W (under ubuntu with lolminer, while 5800x3d is mining Zephyr) – everything on solar power β˜€

    Thanks for sharing πŸ₯°

  5. "This is not the coin you are looking for" (insert poor Jedi mind trick voice/impression here). Move along people, nothing to see here. Pyrin is were the money is at. Please hit the like button on Rabbid's video before you go mine Pyrin though 🀣

  6. team red miner works very well on this – we are triple mining etc, zil and gram on all our rigs. you use the dual intensity argument to determine how hard the gpu mines gram. it does not affect the etc or zil if you use dual intensity of about 0.23 – but it pays to experiment. if your power supply or riser is marginal – the rig wont be stable

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