Create a Server

All 29 Next.js Mistakes Beginners Make

All 29 Next.js Mistakes Beginners Make

#Next.js #Mistakes #Beginners


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⏱️ Timestamps:
00:00 Intro
01:58 Semaphor (add analytics to your Next.js app!)
04:11 #1: “use client” too high
09:45 #2: Not refactoring for “use client”
10:45 #3: Thinking a component is a server component because it does not have “use client”
12:28 #4: Thinking that a server component becomes a client component if you wrap it inside a client component
17:52 #5: Using state management (Context API, Zustand, Redux) in server components
19:37 #6: Using β€˜use server’ to create a server…



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  1. wowzers! this was awesome 2 hours!

    agreed with comments above, mistakes you were showing, was the mistakes i made in a some of my previous projects

    great job! subscribed!

  2. you are THE ONLY ONE who actually is trying to explain this on examples which aren't complete copies of the documentation together with the same, exactly the same, explanation. I'm so thankful I can't even express this properly in words, it's very frustrating to look for some explanations and just getting these videos with the exact documentation copy paste with 0 info over and over and over again…… man

  3. Amazing! Awesome! Fabulous! You have explained ALL what all common confusions go on with NextJs. NextJs should include this video in their official guides and help/troubleshoot/Faqs docs. This cleared most of my doubts for which I was not finding a fitting resolutions together combined anywhere else. ❀ Thanks alot #ByteGrad

  4. This is gold, thank you. Well explained, especially the server/client component differences and woes, such as Hydration errors.

    Extra Side Note: I rarely, if ever, watch a 2h video tutorial in one go, so kudos for keeping it extremely relevant for Next.js devs πŸ™‚

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