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Create function Convert age into number of days sql

Create function Convert age into number of days sql server database

#Create #function #Convert #age #number #days #sql

“Haritha Computers & Technology”

#sqlserver #userdefinedfunction

Create function Convert age into number of days sql server database

A scalar user-defined function in a SQL Server database can be created to convert a person’s age, given in years, into the equivalent number of days. This function is particularly useful for converting age values into a consistent format that can be used for various calculations, reporting, or other data manipulation purposes. It simplifies the process of converting age values from one unit (years) to another (days) within SQL queries, ensuring accurate and standardized results for age-related data.

Here is the another releated video tutorial, SQL Server query convert the age into hours, minutes and seconds
A SQL Server query can be used to convert a person’s age from years into hours, minutes, and seconds, enabling precise age representation with time units for various applications.



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