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Data Analyst Bootcamp for Beginners (SQL, Tableau,

Data Analyst Bootcamp for Beginners (SQL, Tableau, Power BI, Python, Excel, Pandas, Projects, more)

#Data #Analyst #Bootcamp #Beginners #SQL #Tableau


Become a data analyst by following along with this massive course. You will learn the core topics that data analysts need to know. And along the way, you will build plenty of projects to gain hands-on experience.

✏️ Bootcamp developed by @AlexTheAnalyst

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⭐️ Chapters ⭐️
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:10 How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023 (Completely FREE!)
00:15:08 SQL Basics Tutorial | Installing SQL Server Management Studio and Create Tables
00:24:44 SQL Basics Tutorial | Select + From Statements
00:30:57 SQL Basics Tutorial | Where Statement
00:38:54 SQL Basics Tutorial | Group By + Order By Statements
00:47:03 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Inner/Outer Joins | Use Cases
01:02:55 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Unions | Union Operator
01:08:19 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Case Statement | Use Cases
01:15:44 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Having Clause
01:19:15 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Updating/Deleting Data
01:23:51 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Aliasing
01:30:02 Intermediate SQL Tutorial | Partition By
01:34:16 Advanced SQL Tutorial | CTE (Common Table Expression)
01:37:59 Advanced SQL Tutorial | Temp…



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  1. Really good initiative. I would request freeCodeCamp team, provide more Data Engineering courses. Espcially PySpark, Databricks, Datawarehouse, Data Lake, Lakehouse, dbt, modern ELT tools [Fivetran, Matillion], Airflow.

  2. I hated data analyst so much that I resigned after working 1.4 years in a product based company I don't know about others In my perspective this is the must annoying job the business side or the client aren't clear about what they want so think before u want to become one

  3. Using Microsoft's version of SQL!! THANK YOU!! In Healthcare Finance, that is all that I see and everyone on YouTube seems to teach MySQL or something else. I know they are basically the same. But…. when you are first starting, it is nice to have something familiar.

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