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Discord is getting Clan Tags, but why?

Discord is getting Clan Tags, but why?

#Discord #Clan #Tags

“No Text To Speech”

Welcome back to 2009 because Discord is following in the footsteps of Call of Duty lobbies by adding in Clan tags. And if you’re as ancient as I am, you already know this is a horrendous idea.

BUT, maybe there is something redeemable in Discord’s clans feature. Like Discord, a however many million dollar company, should have a frontal lobe to deal with the degeneracy of teenagers on the internet. So now you’re forced to watch me while I tell you what a clan server is, how to change your clan tag (when the feature comes out and assuming discord changes nothing), and how to raise your anxiety.

Oh geez I wrote this whole description calling it clans. Discord changed the name to gaming guilds because idk

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00:00 – This could be…



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  1. meanwhile on discord mobile: still a broken pile of shit, can't acces pinned messages, everything feels like a slug with extra steps, can't search for message/image/etc ( if it gives you anythign to begin with, it will only be up to 20 message max, making it totally useless), my last bar of emotes is always cutted, emotes dont appear when going through the server list, you have to swipe hardly down to up to have the emote list otherwise it goes back down, have to reboot the app all the time because the screen is halved…

  2. 5:45 I actually downloaded the game the moment I watched this video and saw it was free on steam, and I have no idea why the editor thinks it's cursed. The story is actually really good.

  3. I love how when setting up the "gaming guild🤓" there's an option for "LGBT friendly" which of course implies that by default they are not LGBT friendly

  4. Why is Discord trying in every way to make us buy nitro for useless cosmetics who some are probably gonna get bullied into buying just to look "cooler".

    Where's my messaging app?

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