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Do THIS to make the YouTube algorithm love you.

Do THIS to make the YouTube algorithm love you.

#YouTube #algorithm #love

“Grow Your Gaming Channel”

Today I’ll show you a strategy that can revive your dead videos and give you more views!

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V I D E O S T O W A T C H N E X T :

Uncover The Top 5 Common Mistakes Of Small Gaming YouTubers (And How To Avoid Them)

Revealed: how to blow up your next YouTube video (real case study)

5 easy steps to guarantee more views on your videos


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  1. awesome video man 🙂
    tysm for doing such a great breakdown of how to use the tool, this is probably my favorite video anyone has done about our stuff
    thanks for being a dope member of the thumbnailtest community ❤ you are the only one i've ever given a discount code that big 😀 (GYGC25)
    If anyone has any questions about ThumbnailTest feel free to ask me 🙂

  2. Hello my friend, can you help me? I have a channel like this and I'm tired of getting videos, but YouTube does not accept the channel for profit. Is there a way to accept the channel?

  3. just a question is there a reason why you didn't actually update your thumbnail on the original video you were testing… I just had a look and it was the still the lower performing Thumbnail after you ran your test via the website you're promoting?

    a little curious as I was about to follow your guide but put the handbrakes on when you didn't also follow through.


  4. Something tells me this guy is a fishy one. All the bots in the comment section saying he helped them and the bit where he says video is not sponsored yet he deliveres a sponsored code…

  5. I'm not 100% sure the conclusions you drew at 11:15 are correct. You are establishing a causality between the thumbnail change and the total views, but possibly they are not related. The only direct causality we can establish for sure is between the CTR and the thumbnail change, the views are just a consequence of the total impressions, so it's in impressions where we should analyze what is going on. Why did the impressions change? I think there might outside factors at play, it might be that those days people who are the target were more on YT for a reason, or maybe competitors videos didn't do well on one of those days, there might be a number of reasons.
    Because if the thumbnail is the one improving the total views then why would the CTR not change accordingly? You would expect a higher CTR along with more views, and that is not what is going on on that table. You could argue "well somehow the thumbnail is improving retention, and that causes more impressions which in turn improves views". It's possible, but given how little change there is in the thumbnails I would think it's a bit of a stretch.
    Also, if I understand the dates correctly, I think that there is data contamination by the way the A/B test is setup, for example one thumbnail shows up on Wednesday, and it works well, but that effect (maybe expressed as more impressions) carries on to Thursday and you assume that the Thursday thumbnail is the one responsible. I think it would be better to run one thumb a week, monday through sunday, and make sure there are no special holidays or anything on those 3 weeks. I understand that might present its own problems but still, just wanted to illustrate the issue.

    Anyway just wanted to share some thoughts on it.

  6. Hey man my video's get as good as none impressions and i know i've uploaded not that much video's yet but i'm trying for at least 4 good content video's a week i also upload daily shorts and they get a ascending line in views but nothings happening to my videos yet what's your advice

  7. Great video, love all the info you provide. Starting and growing your channel is definitely the toughest part, but the thing is that you need to give viewers the content they want to see, the content they can't live without. Same like business owners give people products they need in their life. Also you have to stay hard working and consistent (and you should also use a little bit of Famester to make everything a lot easier. For me, it feels like I am in control of everything and I don't need to worry about algorithms anymore).

  8. Sorry I flippin hate these videos brother . Do THIS THING (12 minute video barely explains what that one thing is about) The ONE SECRET that made me BLOW UP (10 minutes of irrelevant content then sells you a course) I think you keep people on the platform by connecting with them; being honest. Like, long term that’s what people want is the connection. People also want entertainment sure that’s where long form is good but yeah that’s my little rant …feel free to listen or delete the comment …

  9. i started not so long ago and its been going fine alomst 100 subs but i only got like around 500 views in total in normal videos but in shorts i have got like 39k views
    what should i do can u make a video on that😁😄

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