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How You Can Live Forever… Maybe. #shorts

How You Can Live Forever… Maybe. #shorts

#Live #Forever.. #shorts

“Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell”

Cryonics is the practice of preserving a dead body or brain, in the hope of reanimation. But no one knows if that will ever happen!

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  1. My thing is, what would be the motivation behind companies trying to reanimate people that were kept in cryo… there is really no insentive for the companies to bring them back. They already got the money. So what if science solves death? If death becomes avoidable for people that are "active", then resources for humans could get called into question and the cryo companies would be insentivized to not reanimate cryo people because they would take up limited resources and the company already got the money from the cryo people anyway. Maybe uploading brains results in some insentive for the company cause that person could provide something the company could gain from but I doubt it. I imagine 90% of people in cryo would never be reanimated even if it was feasible simply because there is little insentive to do so.

  2. I mean, you can also skip to the "upload brain" part, if they can do that then they can also create or find new bodies that can be used for re-integrating all your old brain data.

    Either that or they can flash train kids using the most important data from your brain, imagine being a smart engineer or doctor and they use your brain to create super specialized kids.

  3. People fail to realize that cryonics are actually just a scam. How far would humanity have to advance in order to bring someone back from that? How long would that take? Will your cryonic pod, housing, capsule, etc. even survive until then? What is stopping them from just throwing you out into a landfill after a couple of generations? It is simply a scam for desperate people wishing to avoid the inevitable.

  4. Fun fact: No one can die of old age. If someone says that something died from old age, the mean that their body became weak over time to fight back diseases so unfortunately the diseases kill the person. If you are healthy and strong, you can live a pretty long time.

  5. That's not living forever, that is simply hitting the pause button on your current age as time moves forward and unpausing at a later time. It's not the same as living forever.

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