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I Stopped Using Express.js: Because Bun and Hono πŸ”₯

I Stopped Using Express.js: Because Bun and Hono πŸ”₯

#Stopped #Express.js #Bun #Hono

“Sam Meech-Ward”

Express has been around for almost as long as node has existed. It’s an awesome framework, it’s how I learned to make web servers in node and how i’ve been teaching people to make web servers for the past 8 years.

But it’s time to move on, because the alternatives are just so much better. It’s mind blowing how much the web has changed recently.

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0:00​ Hono
0:42 Bun Server
1:52 Routing
3:33 Streaming
4:18 Middleware
4:50 JSX
6:32 Testing
8:21 Validation

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  1. I started to think that web dev is getting more broken with time,

    First, it was html css Javascript & php

    Then react angular express angular react vite mysql

    Today react express mongodb express nextjs nestjs bo fo ko do so & nono

    One year from now they will be +infinity

  2. I'm fine with Laravel for personal and commercial projects and I don't have plans of changing anytime soon. The rate at which javascript frameworks are been released on daily basis is getting annoying.

  3. There’s a Safari bug that prevents Bun web servers from successfully sending binary downloads like images and files to that web browser. 😒

  4. What about database operations? I used it around 10 month ago. Only problem in that time i found is that db operation. I need to use totally raw operation. Express has mongoose ODM but i Don't find similar that

  5. While bun is great, Bun is still reliant on one primary developer.

    I love bun and will continue to use it for smaller projects or side projects, but until it becomes reliable longevity wise, I prefer to stay with the standard tech for now for business focused work.

  6. Hey Sam! Great video as always! I am curious how this works with bigger projects where I have JSX templates and layouts just like Next, but without all the hassle, it just renders HTML. I would appreciate if you could make a longer video on that.

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