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Mr.Asserto’s Assetto Corsa Server Manager *SUPER EASY*

Mr.Asserto’s Assetto Corsa Server Manager *SUPER EASY* *SERVER SETUP* *FREE* #assettocorsa #f

#Mr.Assertos #Assetto #Corsa #Server #Manager #SUPER #EASY

“Mr.Assetto ”

Hey everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into developing this program. I just wanted to clarify a few things to ensure that you can make the most out of this tool.
** You need to download the Java in the description**
Download Java and install. Download the JDK 19, unzip the file, and drag the jdk-19 into C:Program FilesJava

If, after opening the Start.bat, you get an error you can hold shift and right-click in the folder, then open a command line, or you can type PowerShell in the directory, and do: java -jar “GodsServerManager.jar”

***Make backups of your server folder before changes Incase of any bugs and because its always good to have a backup ***

I also want to share some background on the development process. It’s been an incredible journey that spanned over six months, with countless hours of coding. I must admit, it wasn’t always an easy ride. But, every setback and challenge was worth it in the end. I was about to sleep one night after changing some server settings and when I went to sleep, I dreamed about this program. I tried to make it how I dreamt it tho some things will change in the future.

I want to emphasize that your donations…



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  1. im trying to do the Horizon New Gen track but cannot get it to load the track at all. the cars load fine and the track has its set directory but the track config isnt working for any layouts.

  2. Great application! Hey by chance do you know of any leaderboard server side plugin? Have a private server and wanted to hold leaderboard for lap times on track. Let me know would appreciate, thanks!

  3. Hi i've ran into issue with running the Start.bat file. When I run the file as administrator, I get the follow error message :
    "Can not find script file "C:WINDOWSsystem32run_program.vbs""

    Have also installed Java and extracted the jdk-19 folder to the folder at C:Program FilesJava

    Any help appreciated. Cheers

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