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React Query with Next.js Server Components

React Query with Next.js Server Components

#React #Query #Next.js #Server #Components


Learn how to use TanStack Query[0] to pre-fetch data from Supabase in Next.js React Server Components.

If you haven’t already, make sure to watch part 1 first: ( React Query with Next.js App Router )

– Supabase and Next.js 14:
– Read the docs:

## Chapters
00:00 Recap: Using React Query with Supabase in Next.js App Router
00:36 Advanced Server Rendering with React Query and App Router
00:58 Prefetching on the server & hydrating on the client explanation
01:25 Server side data fetching with React Query and supabase-js
03:00 Refactor our queries to use in server and client components
06:00 Use query in server side prefetchquery
06:53 Create a server supabase client
10:35 Create a client component and hydrate the prefetched data
14:05 Set the staleTime for the query client
16:32 Discussion: Does it make sense to use React Query in Server Components?



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  1. Great example, still struggling with why we should use React query with server components/actions but will keep digging. From the cheap seats, the former seems to be doing most of what a dev needs.

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