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‘STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection’

‘STAR WARSβ„’: Battlefront Classic Collection’ Multiplayer Is Totally BROKEN…

#STAR #WARS #Battlefront #Classic #Collection

“Luke Stephens”

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Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection includes a galaxy of content inspired by the original and prequel trilogies, from famous battles across Episodes I-VI, to playable heroes and villains like Asajj Ventress, Darth Vader, and more, to unique modes and challenges. See below for a full breakdown of features, including previously console-exclusive extras now included on all platforms:

Star Wars Battlefront (Classic)
Includes Bonus Map: Jabba’s Palace
Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic)
Includes Bonus Maps: Bespin: Cloud City, Rhen Var: Harbor, Rhen Var: Citadel, and Yavin 4: Arena
Includes Bonus Heroes: Asajj Ventress & Kit Fisto
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  1. For clarity: In the first video, the online modes couldn't be tested because they hadn't come, well, online. I said this in the original video. Now that they've fully launched the multiplayer we can see how bad the servers are which is why I made this update video to alert people instead of pretending everything is fine. 99.9% of you guys understand this, but some seem to be struggling… lol

  2. I’ve seen people mostly on TikTok saying that what else should we have expected for a 15+ year old game. Like bro the age of the game has nothing to do with the lack of servers!!

  3. This game was made to sit on the couch with a friend and play. Online should have never been introduced so we don’t have to listen to all the bitching. Multi player played fine with me and my friend sitting in the same room playing like the good ol days.

  4. Luke on Day One of Star Wars Battlefront: This game is AWESOME!

    Luke on Day Three of Star Wars Battlefront: This Game SUCKS!

    πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Didn't take long hahaha I love this channel so much

  5. neglecting the fact that aspyr publicly said the influx crashed the network because they weren't expecting the sheer volume is quite in embarrassing for your capacity to research shit. Many other games have had this issue, most recently and notably Helldivers 2. They fixed the problem almost immediately once they got in and realized it. They've also since imrpoved reinforcement count and spawn timers all the complaints made. They're demolishing their existing reputation rn. Do better

  6. I was so stoked for this, but after playing it, its honestly one of the the most disappointing gaming experiences I've had. I loved this game when I was a kid. Like many of us, I played it religiously. Now, keep in mind, I always played this game in single player , so when people were not happy with the multiplayer, I didn't think much of it. But even the single player is broken! Award weapons rarely show up in matches. There's lots of glitches, graphic problems, and the SOUND is wrong somehow? Everything is pitched down, including the Battlefront 1 loading screens. Super disappointing. It Reminds me a lot of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition they released not long. Its just a broken mess

  7. The problem was that everyone got hyped for this dogwater idea to remaster the β€œold battlefront collection” instead of just making a brand new battlefront 3 everyone hyped this up but it was obviously a cash grab

  8. I'm confused how is the launch terrible? The single player is amazing and running well, one portion of the game that's not working shouldn't cause a terrible launch. The single player campaign and modes work well I don't get why people are upset you can still play single player

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