CWP panel

Grid Down: Death of a Nation – Historical Evidence pp 21 – 59

Grid Down: Death of a Nation – Historical Evidence pp 21 – 59

#Grid #Death #Nation #Historical #Evidence

“Cold War Prepper”

Discussion on Mr Hollerman’s presentation to Congress on the effects of an EMP attack on the US

Books/Links/Items recommended during the show
LDS Provident Living Centers
Rainy Day Foods -…



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  1. Thank you for your video.

    I find it sad that we must support and maintain the "For Profit" systems that have proven themselves so detrimental for human advancement.

    WE have become "limited" and "held back" to the point we are "unable to achieve the highest potential" and those words are the definition of what is no longer politically correct so I'll put it this way as to not offend the afflicted.

    My ability to be a good and decent person was severely retarded by the self inflicted retardation of the childish win/lose mentality.

    This win/lose mentality was beaten into me all my life under constant "threat" of being wrong, making a mistake, failing, and being a filthy loser myself.
    Surprise, surprise.

    As a filthy loser, I am the proud product of a society that believes the constant and mandated creation of losers by the millions to pollute their own communities with is somehow civilized, sane, wise, and honorable.

    Do I lie?

    Service companies could be called profit companies, … because the focus is not on the service, it's on the profit. So we suffer the substandard service.

    And these companies do everything to increase the profit, not the service.
    That means substandard materials, construction, produce, and "people".

    People who allow their own precious children to be born owing an unpayable debt of lies and corruption called "eternal growth and profit" here where nothing grows forever and "profit" is a manmade concept not to be found in nature.

    If "profit" existed without us, like the rain or the grass does, I'd say it was legitimate.

    As it is, the lie of profit requires all your personal time, energy, and belief to exist just like the perverted lie of Santa Claus and his Flying Reindeer.

    There's a reason innocent children are corrupted with filthy lies at a young age. It softens them up for the lifetime of lies they will maintain and support as civilized, sane, wise, and honorable.

    It seems that I was only born to provide the abundance of our world for the exclusive benefit of the few, the elite, the entitled, and those great winners in our perverted little world of childish win/lose, in the form of their eternal and entitled "profits".

    In my reality, my ancestors were unable to live together in peace and prosperity, so they became the Masters of Murder and War and developed the ability to kill each other by the billions.

    In my reality, the highest potential of my long dead ancestors is the world we have today, a world of eternal war, filled with millions of starving children, uncountable homeless and destitute, where horrendous environmental disasters happen every day all "for profit", and the descendants of my ancestors are too ignorant themselves to even be ashamed.

    We are people of paradigm shifts when we are "allowed" to be.

    Remember the paradigm shift from "Man is cold", to "Man makes fire"?
    How about the paradigm shift from "Man cannot fly", to "Man is on the Moon".

    It's too bad that the paradigm shift from the childish win/lose mentality to a wise and mature Win/Win, and the shift from "for profit" to "not for profit", only exposes us as perverted people and in our minds, only "losers" are perverted people, so denial of our own redemption and our children's salvation is all we allow ourselves.

    I'm NOT perverted, I'm normal" ….. drool, drool …

    I'm NOT a loser! and I'll turn you into one to prove that!

    Keep up the great work and Win/Win.

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