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Jake Tapper pushes back on Tim Scott’s claim Biden is ‘dragging

Jake Tapper pushes back on Tim Scott’s claim Biden is ‘dragging his feet’ in Ukraine

#Jake #Tapper #pushes #Tim #Scotts #claim #Biden #dragging


Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) believes President Joe Biden has “failed miserably” at keeping America safe, calls for “strong American leadership” and says he is dragging his feet in Ukraine. CNN’s Jake Tapper pushes back. #CNN #News



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  1. These Trump sycophants know fully. That Trump has and will continue to break the law. And that Trump with Republican unending support have not stopped defending or making excuses as to his lawlessness and hypocritical lies. Almost as they've sold their souls for the sake of their "Orange Jesus".

  2. Tim can lie like nobody’s business , he’s useless , go home to daddy Tim, I can’t wait to witness what humiliation Trump has planned for you next. Trump will be calling with an assignment for Tim. Hope Tim manages to stay out of jail, lol, but I doubt it.

  3. I like Jake Tapper but he needs to play harder ball with trump lovers like Tim Scott with a lot more push back, otherwise it's just giving Scott more of a platform to spew his disgusting rhetoric.

  4. So Trump keeps sending this Black for Trump gut to left wing media to do his bidding and the left wing media dude is to weak to fight against the Trump stooge 😢 😭

  5. For the record more immigrants, cross the border under Trump’s watch than Biden. So why don’t Republican leaders tell the truth… oh wait. Tell him the truth is something they couldn’t do if their life depended on it.

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