
AI can replicate voices in high-tech phone call scams, FTC warns

AI can replicate voices in high-tech phone call scams, FTC warns

#replicate #voices #hightech #phone #call #scams #FTC #warns

“NBC News”

The FTC is sounding the alarm on artificial intelligence being used to simulate someone’s voice in imposter scams, which was the most commonly reported fraud in 2022. NBC News’ Emilie Ikeda spoke to one father who got a call that sounded like his daughter and said she was being held…



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  1. A simple combat technique against these voice cloning scams is to discuss key words or phrases with your relatives and friends. Personally, my family and I have chosen to ask what kind of car (and color) we drive, and if the "voice" on the other end cannot answer it correctly, BOOM! Hang up haha

  2. Man I could easily see someone taking this to the next level digging up voice samples of the long since deceased and using them to threaten or harass the living.

  3. Im hoping one of them fake kidnapped scammers call me and want to meet up and get the money lol it aint going to be money imma give them imma give them a trip to the ER 🔪🔫⚰️🪦

  4. Scammer: "Help! I need xyz. Can get me the card number?"
    Me: "Sure.. I'll gooo get —CLICK."
    Scammer: …still waiting…. helloooo?
    Me: Calls said person. "Did you just call me?"
    Person: "Nope."

    But also, if you called me, even to the real person, I would be like: You called the WRONG person to hit up for cash. Cuz I got nun fo ya.

  5. Another technique to use to determine whether or not it’s AI speaking is create a password within your family so that if anyone gets a call that one’s in danger, ask “what’s the password”.

  6. So annoying. I make videos online so they have looong samples of my voice, and even know a bit of my life. They called my dad, and told him how I got in a car crash and how I got off my real job really late.

  7. Excellent researching journalism Lester, but why don't you guys dig into the real truth when it concerns anything related to Donald Trump. You either cover up the truth, or you lie about him.

  8. I have a simple solution for this kind of scam. Everyone should keep a secret code between there loved ones and themselves and if they ever receive a call with a voice claiming it’s there loved one, they just need to ask them for verification that it’s them by asking them for the code. One thing AI can’t do, at least not yet, is read people’s minds.

  9. How does the scammer get his daughter voice i understand all the other phone scams from Indian with call spoofing but how does the scammer get a person voice to scam a loved one that not clear

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