
AI Reset: “Life As We Know It Will Be Gone In 5 Years” – Upcoming

AI Reset: “Life As We Know It Will Be Gone In 5 Years” – Upcoming Utopia vs Dystopia | Salim Ismail

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“Tom Bilyeu”

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Welcome to another power-packed episode of Impact Theory, I’m Tom Bilyeu!




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  1. I think it is reads like this? Not sure of the legalities of replicating portions of legal documents in the US so I've, blah'd some out.

    (Premise) A well regulated Militia, being blah blah blah of a free state, (Supposition) the right of the people to keep blah blah blah, blah not be infringed.

    Salim's correct, pretty sure. 🎓

  2. Ai will not free you and give you the opportunity to be “creative”. The current Ai systems have already conquered the “creative” world. The next step is Ai conquering the “skilled” world.

    An entire population with nothing to do and this guy thinks that will be Utopia.

  3. The constitution didn’t give you the right to bear arms. It was a given. It said that right that you already have shall not be infringed. The constitution didn’t give you the right to bear arms!

  4. Energy production may become free, but that certainly doesn’t mean that it will be delivered to your house free (look at your bill). A good portion of the bill that people receive from their electric company is for the infrastructure that the electricity is being delivered on, and the maintenance of that infrastructure.
    what will happen with solar power production when a natural phenomenon happens that clouds out the sun?. It’s not like that has NEVER happened before. Remember what happened to windmill generators in Texas a few years a few years ago? We can’t “put all our eggs in one basket” with energy production, especially with methods that can’t be made 100% sure to work consistently.

  5. The unmitigated gall & evil of these antichrist global leaders amazes me. All of them conscientiously KNOW they would not want to be treated as they treat others: lied to, manipulated, robbed, raped, tyrannized, drugged, lobotomized, poisoned & corrupted: & they are without excuse. Smirking as they wax eloquent with smooth philosophical terminology & sophistry greasing the skids to Hell for multitudes, skating by the truth & reality of 600,000 dead people between Ukraine & Russia as a 'bump in the road', because they have an impure, covetous, presumptuous 'dream' & want to play games with other peoples' lives while raking in bucks & power: however they measure, covet, & lust over it. Speaking of decentralization & 'nodes'…idiotic 'chaos theory' when it all operates according to set laws of physics, complex biochemistry & genetic information, & all the Lord who created all of this obviously designed universe has to do is give them over to the lying spirits & false 'gods' they prefer compounding the bondage they choose, or send a stiff breeze or cause a coney to pop out his head in the wrong place to muck up their 'pebble' experiments & protect his people, or simply pull his people out & stop holding it all together, letting them have their chosen & not-so-random end reaping what they've sown. Their rock is not as our Rock, their gods not as the Godhead. Not one thing these psychopaths do was not foretold in the real & preserved word of God, or is out of character for the foul spirit they serve so slavishly, knowing he is unfaithful & perverse, not keeping any promise to his idiot slaves who do not die well as the 'master' & lying, karmic forces they so slavishly & cruelly serve & trust dishes out the same to them! I used to wonder why the coming judgment was going to be so relentless & so fierce: no longer. People better be getting right with God while they can, or they will lose their eternal souls to unending conscious torment, unable to pay for their offense of sin against a holy & eternal God, & rejecting the free provision of God & redemption in pride. Losing all hope as well as their temporal bodies & wealth for all eternity, sharing in the merited end & inheritance of the evil one in whom iniquity was found, that old liar & dragon with his 'serpent wisdom', when they could have had an unmerited share in the inheritance of the Son & Lamb of God: 1 Corinthians 15 KJB.

  6. Goddamn!! It's too much!!. It's obnoxious rapey and WHOLLY INCONGRUENT with your supposed mission. I'm done.. you're ad rape has killed my interest in you and you're channel. I cannot reconcile the shocking frequency of you're RAPEY ad strategy with youre claimed purpose. I've jusr watched my last of your shows.

  7. He is incorrect in his analysis of robotics, other than that point he's correct. Robotics, not the humanoid type, but 'real' robotics are quite close, 5 years at most. Maybe even the humanoid types, though I don't really see a reason for them myself.

  8. You say there is no God. I believe there is. Want to know why? I was very sad because my 12 year old daughter had gone to live with her father. I slept in her bedroom. I woke up early one morning. The sun was shining
    through the window shades. I am one of those people that when I wake up, I am immediately fully awake and alert. I was afraid alone in the house. I heard a voice that said "You are not alone in this house" That is all the voice said. Just like the song "IN THE Garden", it was the kindest sounding voice I have ever heard. IT was a man's voice. I looked to see if I could see a shadow on the shade of a person outside. No one was there. If that had happened in the dark of night, I would have been scared to death. I had never heard voices before and have never heard a voice since. I was not schrozenic. I believe it WAS GOD or some entity. Maybe one of my ancestors who had lived in that area years ago? It was something and it was not in my mind and I was not dreaming. I told family about it and they did not believe me and said I was dreaming. Another family member said I was schizo although they knew I was not and had never had that kind of problem. One friend asked "Who do you think is was? God?" Making fun. I BELIEVE IT WAS GOD or some entity NOT OF THIS WORLD. THAT was 38 years ago. I never heard a voice talking to me again.

  9. Hey Tom great show. Not to add to anyone’s “unfolding ignorance” but the word “regulated” can also mean- to provide for. I’m not so sure this isn’t the definition the Founding Fathers were using. We definitely SHOULD be protected against the government , L👀K AROUND!! In the case of the 2nd Amendment I think it would be great if taxpayers could get a bit of a kick-back from all the money that we deliver to the Military Industrial Complex annually. A few boxes of rounds wouldn’t break them.
    I’m a little concerned with the number of times that Salim used ASAP. Take the scenario: A brand new Ferrari is delivered to your door. You’re aware that these cars can go very fast. You excitedly get in, get it started and moving, then hold the accelerator to the floor until you crash into something at 185 mph. Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to familiarize yourself with the car’s capabilities, or your limitations in knowing how to control the car? AI has the potential of helping us race to a better world, there’s also the possibility of crashing from a lack of adequate preparation.or familiarization. What’s the hurry?

  10. The transition is the beginning on one to the next level of consciousness. Better pray humans don't become to it as animals are to humans. Soooo much The Matrix!

  11. Likelihood:
    – Weaponized AI by government/bad actors (already begun) destroys millions of lives, breaks the internet or is used to control via threat
    – AI-enhanced humans; for employment, entertainment, or Yuppie parents wanting to give their children an edge over everyone else. Too many possibilities to discuss, going in all sorts of directions.

    Bizarre outliers: something about us, humans, becomes unattainable by AI, so an economy of human input enhancing AI begins. We end up working for AI in exchange for a type of money which is tied to electrical power requirements of a distributed AI network. Not sure if our input helps it save on electrical resources or creates more. Imagine working 5 hours a week judging AI generated cat videos in exchange for money that allows you to live like a king. Truly crazy and more than I could handle.

  12. Hard to take seriously someone who says they've deeply looked at a subject, 2nd amendment issue, and didn't know one of the fundamental controversies was how to interpret the amendment.

  13. Salim’s one of the few that I can say is as smart as me, or smarter. He’s definitely on the right track for the issues. Love his broad, generalist, approach. But he seems , that is…my intuitive impression, is that he has plenty of “parachutes” to guarantee that he will survive almost all future crises he may encounter. And he may even have investments that are biasing his analysis here. Caveat emptor .

  14. He is so wrong on Brexit being London vs. country. Large parts of the south, including London plus Scotland and Northern Ireland, voted to stay the rest leave. It was far more complicated than he suggested.

  15. Dr Todd Snyder (Clinical Psychologist) defines intelligence as – The ability to get what you want. This means that any skill or knowledge that helps an individual make better decisions in their everyday life can be considered a form of intelligence. This definition emphasises the practical application of intelligence rather than the cognitive ability in achieving successful outcomes.

  16. The wording of the 2nd amendment is at the center of the whole ongoing gun control arguments. It is the worst written legal dictate in history. Technically, Salim is reading it correctly, but, we have a deep history of butchering the English language , so there is room to argue that the founding fathers meant it the way you interpret it. It can literally be interpreted either way and that is behind the entire gun control debate.

  17. Shut this down and stopped watching after the first 5 minutes. So many inaccuracies unchallenged coming out of the gate that anything else he says is suspect. Do better, who the hell is this guy?

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