
AI Robot Terrifies Officials Before It Was Quickly Shut Down

AI Robot Terrifies Officials Before It Was Quickly Shut Down

#Robot #Terrifies #Officials #Quickly #Shut

“Top Generality”

The world we live in today is filled with technology. So much so that we might not be far from a future where A.I. and robots are considered essential in every single establishment.

However, this advancement comes with consequences.

Have you heard about Roko’s basilisk? If you haven’t it…



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  3. Well, duh, facial recognition software is biased. It’s a literally written by all white males. Duh, that’s not a racial comment that’s just the way it is although they could be Asian males in which case they’re infatuated with white women anyways go figure.😮

  4. Racist facial recognition….what is wrong with people?. It's clearly the light reacting with skin color and having issues! How is that "racist"? Good Lord, people have lost their minds.

  5. People zoo… So free rent, free food cooked and delivered to you, free heating, free water, comfy living conditions, can do whatever I want all day in my home, no work. Sounds like a vacation. I think I'd like to try it at least for a little while 😂

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