
Alex rewires his rack with a Unifi PDU Pro, an 8 port HDMI PiKVM

Alex rewires his rack with a Unifi PDU Pro, an 8 port HDMI PiKVM switch and installs new hard drives

#Alex #rewires #rack #Unifi #PDU #Pro #port #HDMI #PiKVM

“KTZ Systems”

Time to put right some bodges that were in place whilst Alex was traveling. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

In today’s video Alex installs an upgraded power cable for the Sliger Epyc build, rewires the entire rack with a new Unifi PDU Pro unit for power monitoring and other remote…



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  1. Reminds me… I really need to rework my bbf tool and properly release it. I've got some burnin functionality that I've found useful beyond what I've found elsewhere. I've had situations where SMART shows up fine and other scans and general workload can work but heavy usage leads to intermittent errors. bbf has a mode to thrash a filesystem by spawning numerous threads that run different commands in hard loops to stress the drive and the filesystem. I've found a couple bad drives and cables that way.

  2. Excellent video, mate. Thanks for taking the time to make these, they are giving me lots of interesting ideas for my own homelab 🤘

  3. I just wanted to say this is the first time I watch one full video of yours, and I really appreciate the fact that you don't edit yourself to sound/look perfect. Watching this is like I'm standing there next to you while you're making decisions on the fly. A breath of fresh air on YouTube. Thanks!

  4. Hay Alex. I have same Sliger case. Can you tell us the exact spec of the SATA power cable you ordered from KareonKables. What did you selected on the website. 12" long, 10 connectors (lockable or non lockable) ? etc. Thank you

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