
All Most Incredible Robots and Inventions That Will CHANGE The

All Most Incredible Robots and Inventions That Will CHANGE The World | Best Of The Winter | Part 2

#Incredible #Robots #Inventions #CHANGE

“Carros Show”

Robotics is an exciting field where modern technologies merge with artificial intelligence. Robots are becoming an integral part of our society, simplifying everyday tasks, from household chores to industrial operations. These technological advancements not only enhance efficiency, but also…



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  1. In the commentary about the Lincoln Robot bust…. the voice-over erroneously referred to the Lincoln-bot as a mimickery of the FIRST US President…effectively assassinating several from US history

  2. Идея общества, которое нам навязывают роботизаторы это "бизнес" ( для них) и "роботы"!
    Мы – люди не нужны глобалистам ануннакам-рептилоидам ( разве что им на еду пару миллионов оставят). Осталтных отравят Х-болезнью и уничтожат на беЗконечной войне "за свободу демократии".

    А тебе нужно такое Будущее?
    Ты его выбираешь?

  3. The fact they go right to replacing human jobs is a joke. The focus should not be on replacing humans. Other than they they are developed for war or perversion, again what a joke.

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