
Apple Vision Pro | 10 INSANE FEATURES!!!

Apple Vision Pro | 10 INSANE FEATURES!!!

#Apple #Vision #Pro #INSANE #FEATURES

“Hayls World”

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No doubt the Apple Vision Pro is one of the coolest tech products I have used in a while! So here are 10 Insane Features of the Apple Vision Pro!

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  1. Have to be honest, it's definitely the first Apple products that even I'm impressed by and the options on how to use it are really something – as long as it would be within the privacy on my own 4 wallls. Making a public appearance wearing these on my head is not something I would imagine myself doing in near future and I think it will take some time (say probably another 10 years for people to start accepting it – by this I mean don't give you weird looks in public – especially in UK where people are not shy to ridicule passerbys withith quite loud and colorful insults. So, while it does seem it can be used privately in quite a few ways as presented – where this technology can be the most useful (outside in the open real world) I don't see it being used widely anytime soon… I feel that now for once Apple could be ahead of the time. However, if heavily promoted, people may start to accept it in the future, especially if they keep innovating and upgrading this technology and the device in future may not be so huge and crazy looking to wear outside. Personally, I'm not even a fan of sunglasses, but those are at least accepted (mostly)…

  2. Except you have to legit wear a massive honking set of ski goggles I seen someone in public wearing these today and it looked absolutely ridiculous 😂 though it’s ridiculous, it’s mind bogglingly insane. This is going to change the world this kind of stuff, imagine this tech more refined and being able to have it in contact lenses 🤯 I’ve never even herd of this thing untill this after noon and I can’t even wrap my head around it I’m buying one this weekend

  3. its nothing different from the meta quest 3 and 2 just way more expensive its just the same so if your gonna get vr don't get this just get the Quest 3 for 500$ or Quest 2 for 300$ 3,499$ for a vr is outrageous

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