
Bankrupt – Hyperloop One

Bankrupt – Hyperloop One

#Bankrupt #Hyperloop

“Bright Sun Films”

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In 2013, Elon Musk unveiled his concept for a “5th mode of transportation” called Hyperloop. Spawning from this idea was a lot of public excitement as well as companies racing to build one. Virgin Hyperloop One was one such company, seemingly…



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  1. Every thing is too expensive to build exciting stuff that we already know stuff like this will run out of money. Trains, planes and automobiles are good enough for me. Cheers 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥

  2. The call for submissions by a company is a classic move that immediately signals that they aren’t interested in actually creating anything and they want other people to do all the heavy lifting, classic grifter move

  3. The space-colonization advocate Gerard O'Neill was advocating underground maglev vacuum trains in the early 1980s. I always felt like his arguments for them involved talking up the well-known but tolerable difficulties of conventional steel rails and glossing over the immense complexity and technical challenges of the vacuum-train system. He was a particle-accelerator physicist, and probably thought of underground tunnels with an evacuated channel for magnetic acceleration as a thing he was familiar with.

  4. Project manager by trade- they needed to place this in the Middle East i.e. Qatar, Oman and Suadi Arabia. They also have unlimited funds as to why they're dominating English football with Man City. Focus on one single route get that completed by all means and then begin scaling from that initial first route. It always seems the same faces/types of people get the funding and just pee it up a wall and walk away. The world we live in.

  5. 9 billion dollars from SF to LA. They smoking strong weed, more like 15 billion or more for unproven technology. That infamous test they did with their executives probably looked cool in the way they edited it and such. But when investors realized they only went 100 mph and the ride was so bumpy, that they knew that this thing was just a glorified amusement park ride.

    The whole pods design is flawed too because it holds so little passengers. It could never be profitable unless they charged a lot of money for the tickets. Then no one would ride it. With travel to Japan so popular these days. It just takes people all over the world to experience Japanese bullet train to realize how bad Hyperloop is. Just experience it without the extreme crowding. Japan will cram any train like a sardine can. It’s best to reserve a seat when traveling in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto if you don’t like being squeezed by people around you.

  6. man, i wish Rich TechBros like Musk were hypping up actually practical stuff, like regular trains. We would probably be on the moon by now, or at the very least we would have Walkable cities in NA like the rest of the world does

  7. I remember when Musk claimed Hyperloop was so easy, his interns could do it. If he had just had those interns work on it, we'd have it by now. 🤣Honestly, I don't know why anyone bothers with him any more. All he does is run his mouth to keep media attention on himself.

  8. Reminder that Elon admitted the only reason for his proposing a hyperloop was to kill the California high speed raíl plan…cuz yk, it would compete with cars, and given he own Tesla…needs no further explanation.

  9. It's all fake "zero carbon" if the methods used to create and sustain these "green" projects, use oil…. And they ALL do, not to mention the damage that comes from mining and refining rare earth minerals used for these ridiculous projects, so it's bullshit. We are not even close, and forcing this shite only hurts us. Of course keep doing the R&D, but I'm thinking we are 200 years or more away from any "zero admission " energy tech that is actually feasible to use. Oil and natural gas are king, and that will continue for much longer than anyone thinks. I like Elon, but oil is used to create ALL parts of his electric vehicles, and even more oil to power and recharge them. It's all PR which = bullshit, same with the Mars thing, lets colonize a dead planet before we build habitats on the moon as a test, ridiculous…..

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