
Bannerspear Class Guide for Frosthaven

Bannerspear Class Guide for Frosthaven

#Bannerspear #Class #Guide #Frosthaven


CORRECTION: emboldening blow at level 4 only hits one target. i thought the disarm only hits one target but turns out this is a single target attack. I guess that makes more sense but seems like an awful lot of work.
Class guide for the starting mercenary, Bannerspear, in Frosthaven. I cover…



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  1. My favorite class! Bannerspear having two complexity dots is the 2nd biggest lie the game tells you haha. The skill ceiling is super high and there are some crazy powerful cross class synergies that make maximizing bannerspear a whole party effort.
    (Biggest lie in the game is the 30 minutes per player printed on every side of the box)

  2. glad to see you back with the Frosthaven content! I'm guessing you finished the campaign 2p and are now replaying unplayed scenarios using four characters? Or did you restart the campaign and just allow yourself access to all classes? I wonder how some of the later unlockable classes perform in some early scenarios

  3. A final point dont play it together with other classes that are position havy or lack unconditional sustain dmg. Bad with gmini for that reason.
    Pair it with high dmg mele and u will hava a blast its crazy good with a boneshapper that is a team player.

  4. There are a lot of veteran players and playtesters who rave about Explosive Epicenter bottom as being the card that unlocks a formation-focused build. It will get overlooked by many players who just see "meh, move 1 who cares". I think you're also looking at the top in the wrong way. Instead of saying "when am I surrounded like this?" instead think "how much flexibility does this give me to hit multiple targets?"

    In terms of Hold the Line it appears to be a fairly niche card for a tank build that really will only have value in 4-player parties. As 4-player as double the enemies of 2-player and yet sometimes all those enemies focus only on one player in front, having a large shield value makes sense in that context. In 2-player, not advancing the game state through attacking is just a worse option more often.

    The bottom of Boldening Blow is vital for anyone who wants to tote Banners throughout scenarios, and it's really tough to do this until then.

  5. My wife played this class in a four player campaign alongside myself. We even had a boneshaper with us and she still found it very difficult to do everything she wanted to do. The banners being lost meant that they were oftentimes too much of a hassle to put out for minimal value. I don't know if the banners being non-loss would have been too strong, but it would have alleviated a lot of frustration.

  6. 26:04 lvl 3 let them come worked for me always.. the top is amazing suppport. Aplying poison for multiple atack allies is great. the bottom i used raerly but is amazing with bone shapper. Also if its u can afford two losses u are basicly sun class from base gloomhaven.

  7. @all cost did more fore me then i thought if u are low on players i would take it.. i slept to long on it. And even top is usfull with no healers. Also top heals poison, wound for no life cost to yourself

  8. I think incendiary throw can be quite good when combined with the banner of strength or resolved courage or both.
    And our geminate loves fire being generated.
    Our bannerspear also started using driving inspiration to generate sun for the geminate.
    Attack 2 with advantage is pretty close to attack 3. And range 4 or 3 is pretty good.
    The banner of hope was pretty usefull in the bannerspear solo scenario. And I think a boneshaper would love having a banner of hope around.
    The top of at all costs is great against poison, brittle or wound.
    note that healing poison doesn't add health to your ally so you don't suffer damage.
    Single target meatgrinder is still pretty respectable.
    I think pinning charge is kinda conflicted with itself. The added damage per ally adjacend and the immobilize don't combine very well.
    I think bolding blow would be perfect for setting up tri-thrust top. Tri-thrust bottom can be nice if you're fishing for your rolling shield cards.
    Taunting howl is mostly about the bottom and initiative. Initiative 11 and set up most formations you can think of. Great for Tri-thrust. I guess you can use the top in the last room to gain some xp and do some heavy tanking.

  9. You should try Explosive Epicenter bottom – it's absolutely insane value. It is like an extra half action every turn for the rest of the game. It makes it pretty easy to play one of your non-move bottom abilities and still move and attack. I am not surprised they decided the "only if an enemy is nearby" restriction was warranted.

    Regarding Boldening Blow, it's not as good as you thought: it only hits ONE enemy. The wording is weird but you can check the FAQ.

  10. I think you are missing a KEY element of Resolved Courage. That grants a +1 to the next attack ABILITY by you or an adjacent ally. This card is great to use when you are already in position for a multi target formation attack, as you get an additional damage to EACH TARGET. You also don't need to have an adjacent ally for it to work, but an adjacent ally can use this +1 if it is not useful to you. This was one of my "must take" cards throughout my 7 levels with the BS.

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