
Be Your Own Doctor Q&R (Timestamps Below)

Be Your Own Doctor Q&R (Timestamps Below)

#Doctor #Timestamps

“Dr. John Bergman D.C.”

00:00:16 – Please talk about debilitating cluster headaches.
00:05:40 – Diabetic here. No doctor or medical professional has been able to help me with this in 14 years. How can I get my body used to normal blood sugar instead of feeling like I’m having a low? I get to 125, and my heart starts…



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  1. If you watch any wild animal drinking from a river or pond, you'll see them taking little licks here and there. A lot of the wildlife is not even near water depending on to get hydrated by the vegetation etc. they eat. In both cases they are doing a slow release of liquid into their body. Humans on the other hand guzzle from morning to night. Early humans didn't have a such thing as a mug, a cup etc. So not only am I thinking yes, we are washing out our electrolytes and really diluting are stomach acid, but I believe it's probable the cause of high blood pressure. Ya get away with it on a water fast but after slow moving food, I mean could be forming water ballons inside us. But you can look up over hydration and one of the side effects is high blood pleasure. Then look up dehydrated symptoms and one is low blood pressure. Then what do they give you to get your pressure down? A diuretic, ha. I say get hydrated before you eat anything instead and maybe little sips throughout the day. The processed foods and alcohol are what is dehydrating us, when we eat our species-specific diet, I don't believe we need to drink other than when we are thirsty. We need to look at what the wild is doing when we try to figure things out. Interestly in water fast, when you stop eating your taking the obstacles away and the water can go where is wants and blood pressure drops. Also, when you don't mix fat with sugar, things are moving faster. Animals don't mix, nature's foods are not mixed so we shouldn't mix. Our foods are identified by having vitamin C in them. Something else worth considering, when you are potassium deficient your thirst goes way up. So, when you are getting the potassium in your thirst goes down, which mean your liquid intake goes down right. So that might make potassium look like ethe savor when maybe all its doing is relieving pressure from the excess hydration. Or I should say If you can imagine a fire hose dripping water out is probable the way we should be getting hydrated opposed to have it full blast and overturning cars on the road ha. Not saying be dehydrated, saying how we are going about it is wrong. BP drops also after peeing, relieving some pressure. They tell you they don't know the cause. Also cancer might just be a deficiency of B17 in apple seeds or apricot kernels like how skirvy is just a deficiency of vitamin C.

  2. I wish I lived closer to you Dr. John B.
    I'm in New York… LoL
    Anyway…I never take big pharma medicine/poison…
    I'm into herbs vitamins and minerals and see people dying or sick going to hospitals and taking these poisons from the pharmaceutical industry!
    I also make everything homemade that I eat!

  3. I've had pain in the right SI joint area for over a year. Sometimes, the pain radiates down through the butt cheek toward the hip. Visiting my chiro usually gives me 1 day pain free, then back to pain again. Suggestions?

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