
Bigger Picture Denver: The Sex Binary: What it is and why It

Bigger Picture Denver: The Sex Binary: What it is and why It matters with Dr Colin Wright

#Bigger #Picture #Denver #Sex #Binary


Dr. Colin Wright is an evolutionary biology Ph.D., Manhattan Institute Fellow, Academic Advisor for the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine, and a member of Genspect’s new think tank, The Killarney Group. Wright began writing publicly about issues of sex and gender in 2018. His articles…



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  1. Better to keep it simple. I think while it's nice that men are hopping on board this is an issue better explained by women because women are who is ultimately the target. Like with family court when a man wants to keep savaging the mother he goes after the kids and the courts let him use the system as a club. It is essential in fascism to target children and there is no better place than "The Family" court to witness fascism on full display.

  2. These are safe arguments targeting the obvious delusions of tras. I would be interested to know what you think about Genspect's failure to outright condemn medical interventions on children and why they associate with 'virtuous pedophile' apologists.

  3. Great talk. An additional talk could be to understand why so many transexuals live more happy and fulfilling lives after the transition while acknowledging they are a different bio sex and why people feel it is necessary to deny bio. reality.

  4. This is excellent. Only one correction: the ancient and medieval assumption that the earth was at the center of the cosmos was not an act of hubris, but the result of a phenomenological approach to understanding the natural world, which was then mined for its philosophical and theological significance. From the medieval perspective, heaven was the most important place in the cosmos, and this placed earth spatially as far away from heaven as you could get. Far from an expression of hubris, it was driven by an assumption of unworthiness due to sin.

  5. The Pride Center has enormous power in my state. They are allowed to indoctrinate kids in school. At one point the largest school district gathered community members to disgust trans issues. From that they decided the schools would not use gender anymore. PARENTS WERE NOT INFORMED OF THE COMMITTEE, AND LEFT OUT OF THE DECISION.

  6. Loved the "Sperg" and "Spegg"hypothetical gamete examples! Very funny, and clearly debunks the notion of "intersex" actually constituting a real category of sex in humans.

  7. what defines sex ? Eggs or sperm do. All of those combinations are either eggs or sperm phenotypes ( or infertile ) ; there’s no third type . Sex is of course only two complementary opposite types in sexually reproducing species. One of each required for fertile sex. No third type required or able to be part of reproduction. Anthropology includes human evolution, biology. I teach biology .

  8. Problem with lgbt gender curriculum is that it is wrong about origin and development of human individual gender and sexuality ! Kids need to be protected from the falsehoods in lgbt ideology ; post-modernism, Foucault and Butlerism.

    Heterosexual instinct (genetically based) is statistically NORMAL in Homo sapiens because we are a sexually reproducing species. Heterosexual imstinct is very heavily selected for in sexually reproducing species . Clearly our primate ancestors had heterosexual instinct; and there is nothing in the evolution from Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens that would select against heterosexual instinct ; or for homosexual instinct. Therefore living Homo sapiens have normally heterosexual instinct.

  9. Very good point regarding parsimony in theory, otherwise known as “Occam’s Razor”. Yes, this is why gametes matter. THAT said, how we humans conceptualize the whole sex thing about others and about ourselves is complex and goofy. This is significant. We cannot simply dismiss this, which is why Genspect exists—it is human psychology which adds the complexity. We still must account for the psychological aspect. We are nowhere near having a unified, parsimonious model for the human psychology of gender. (I use “gender” to refer to the psychological identity model that includes our sexual characteristics as important components.) Meanwhile, for the sake of everyone’s health, we need to keep our biological theory of sex Copernican-Newtonian. Sure, there are some oddities that occur at edge cases, such as XX males (the SRY gene jumps from Y to X), but that doesn’t make the gamete model of sex wrong, it merely means that it is incomplete by itself. Sure, we need a more nuanced model to account for the oddities, just like Copernicus-Newton had to be extended by Einstein’s General Relativity to account for the precession of Mercury’a orbit. In fact, the old Copernicus-Newton model works just fine for planning probe paths from Earth to Pluto. Similarly, gamete sex models work just fine for diagnosing medical problems such as endometriosis or priapism. We literally couldn’t live through many medical troubles without the gamete sex model. Throwing that out the window is a really, really bad idea. I am sorry, but I don’t see Queer Theory (today’s Lamarckism) saving lives; in fact, I see the opposite.

  10. Hi Colin, thanks for this talk. I don't disagree with any of your points, but would caution against emphasising gametes as the ultimate determinants of sex. This is because it inadvertently encourages the removal of gametes in order to achieve 'authentic' gender transition. I've had a transgender person declare to me that because they no longer have male gametes, they are no longer male.

    This is why I think it's important to acknowledge the role of sex chromosomes in producing those gametes. The 'intersex' terminology is an unhelpful part of that discussion, and so 'differences of sex development' might be better described as 'chromosomal infertility' when gametes are non-functional as a result. Two friends of mine have Turner Syndrome, and to describe them as intersex or non-female is just absurd.

  11. Wow, really interesting talk, also, my compliments to the presentation skills of Colin or the person making his presentation. The visuals really supported the story well.

  12. It's a really dumb argument but did he specifically say why the presence of eggs isn't required to make someone a woman. i.e. women don't age out of being women, women who have issues with their sexual organs are still women.

    We all know that this is as stupid as saying an empty or absent fuel tank changes a car from petrol engined to something else but "so you're saying that I'm not a woman because I can't get pregnant" is apparently something that actual women have said.

  13. 26:24 The Ptolemaic model with epicycles was more-correct than the Copernican model, because orbits are not circular. The former yielded correct predictions, and the latter did not. This is the real reason the church rejected the Copernican model. Heliocentrism wasn't viable until Newton discovered the principles behind elliptical orbits.

  14. Very Good! Sadly, Heather Heying thinks females who like, and exel in, math can be said to have "masculine traits," or a masculine personality. This regressive nonsense has contributed to the present trans ideology problem.

  15. THIS should be showed in EVERY school at any age…NOT that "gender theory inclusive sx-ed for children" that they are pushing everywhere in every woke country…
    (like that gender-bread abomination)

  16. Sex is scientifically clearly and obviously a spectrum and not a binary.

    Wake up!
    Quit being blind, bigoted, and silly. You’re killing people.
    The science is extra-ordinarily deep and robust on this subject. Not to mention your actual neighbors.

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