
Characters FAILED to save Samantha Maxis & Ravenov is Ava’s

Characters FAILED to save Samantha Maxis & Ravenov is Ava’s Father Explained (MW3 Zombies Cutscene)

#Characters #FAILED #save #Samantha #Maxis #Ravenov #Avas


Characters FAILED to save Samantha Maxis & Ravenov is Ava’s Father? MW3 Zombies Season 2 Cutscene Explained “ACT 4 Countermeasures” (Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Season 2 Cutscene Breakdown) COD 2024 Black Ops Gulf War Zombies Story Teasers

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  1. Share your thoughts on all these exciting revelations below! Do you think that Ravenov is Ava’s father or do you think all of the Requiem Heads may be her parents and she was created as a result of their sacrifice with the Aetherium device?

    ►Previous video explaining in depth why The Entity is likely a Dark Aether version of Ava Jansen herself – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-gw0u2NrDo

    ►Render of Samantha Maxis in The Dark Aether in the thumbnail via – https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/survival-horror-in-call-of-duty-black-ops-zombies–583356957997204849/

  2. I can honestly see the entity being another part of Ava the corrupted part of her while the one on earth is the good side of her. As for her mentioning 2nd mother is maybe the dark aether half of her is being raised by maxis who has probably been corrupted by the dark aether by now

  3. I think it makes more sense that she's the daughter of Ravenov and Maxis. She's the first person to be born with Aetherium in her veins and the team likely sacrificed themselves to extract the Aetherium from their bloodstream in order to reopen the rift to the Dark Aether for someone to use to help Samantha escape.

  4. If you guys never discovered this, but there is a easter egg in the dark aether. If you go to the stage where the crystal are you will here a familiar noise. There are three asteroids you can collect and once you find all three, the song 115 will play.

  5. Simple thing people aren't bringing up is that Grey could have had enough of a sample from Sam to construct an unfertilized embryo, and Ravenov volunteered to be a surrogate father – with Ava carrying the baby to term. This happens in the real world.

  6. My theory regrading Ava's lineage? It's immaculate conception.

    Samantha Maxis, an Aetherium imbued being, and Elizabeth Grey had a child via some type of magic. It'd make a lot of sense given her personality being torn between the two dimensions. We also know from VGZ that those with heightened Aetherium powers are able to manipulate sentient life and change its form (Kortifex transforming his son into Mr Peeks)

    Leading onto this i think Ava is Project Janus, the requiem heads just intervened and prevented Eddie from resurrecting his child and instead Ava was born using primordial Aetherium

  7. Ava’s adoptive parents have officially confirmed that Dr Grey is her biological mother, so Dr Grey is likely to be bisexual.

    Unless Eddie Richtofen did his horrible experiment on Dr Grey.

  8. Ava
    May be the resurrected form of Samantha which would probably explain the split personality type of thing where Ava is the good part of Sam and the entity is the corrupted side

  9. Do you think the reason why they added the 115 song into the zombies is to show us the Dr Ava Jansen and her dark aether self is going to become one because I listened to the song carefully

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