
China’s New H-20 Stealth Bomber is Worse Than You Think

China’s New H-20 Stealth Bomber is Worse Than You Think

#Chinas #H20 #Stealth #Bomber #Worse

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This new aircraft could change the balance of power in the world. Currently the United States is the only…



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  1. If someone is going to both host and narrate a video presentation, they’d at least know how to pronounce most of the words. Take the word “nuclear” for example. Nuclear = no͞o′klē-ər, new-klee-er.

  2. Why are they wearing white coats? Why those safety glasses? What are they staring at directly? Are they calculating boundary conditions and turbulences just by staring ? Is this telepathic design? Wtf

  3. Canada is a major problem when it comes to national security. They let terrorism, foreign spies and everything nasty under the sun flourish in this country. USA needs to put their foot down and make Canada accountable for such gross lack of security.

  4. I'm a liberal, but even I found this sentence ridiculous: "The U.S copies and steals military secrets from other nations"? That's news to me. I'd love to see the products of such espionage. Oh, wait, there are none because foreign nations have very little the U.S wants. The U.S is decades ahead of everyone else in terms of military technology. If the U.S is trying to steal other nations secrets, it's not to COPY them, that's ludicrous, it's to see how far along the competition is.

  5. (Stealth) bombers are an outdated thing in my opinion as they are never 100% stealth. The B-2 is only from the side stealthy. From upfront it can be detected.

    I think hypersonic misseles will be the future.

  6. …and yet still "made in China".
    Don't get me wrong I got a lot of respect for the IQ of the nation of Donger. But even the joke that is "made in China" wouldn't exist if not for the US showing them how. Be it through good will, or theft.

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