
Complete Engineer Guide for 2024 | Deep Rock Galactic |

Complete Engineer Guide for 2024 | Deep Rock Galactic |

#Complete #Engineer #Guide #Deep #Rock #Galactic

“Javarak Gaming”

For a while now I have been wanting to update my old Deep Rock Galactic class guides for 2024 . Today we are staring with everyone’s favorite mechanical man, the Engineer.



Intro: 00:18
Overview: 01:11
Weapons: 02:19
Other Equipment: 10:05
Mission Specialties: 13:36



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  1. Tip for the cheese canon: on OMEN tower events, the activation platforms detect your character a short distance above the height of the plasma waves the bottom level throws out. If you stack your cheese slightly above the platform, you can effectively ignore the waves entirely.

  2. I have a new class idea and i know that it shakes the balance a bit having more than 4 but just hear me out. A jack of all trades he would be able to use EVERYTHING including overclocks but it is a bit worse and you can only have 1 of each type (excluding the traversel tools like the grappling hook and drills and the support? tools like the flare gun and sentry's but has the cost of not being able to use the other one for example if you take the drills and grappling hook you cant take the flare gun or bubble shield). For example you could have the engneers breech cutter as a secondary, the gunners rocket pods, the scouts grappling hook, the gunners halo 3 bubble shield, and the engineers shredder drones but everything has less ammo, slightly less damage, slightly worse overclocks (like the ones that just give you a stat boost or for example the nuke overclock has less radiation and a smaller radius), a shorter radius (for like the bubble shield), or overheats faster. So in summary a class that does everything but slightly shittier.

  3. Any advice for a semi-greenbeard? I just promoted Engi for the second time yesterday and I'm starting to get overclocks. I try to have a class setup for each mission type but idk of thats the way to go. Personally I feel like I need more overclocks but I can't tell if they make a difference or if I just need to get better lol

  4. Actually, question I just had:
    How does engie's Turret Arc interact with other sources of electricity like Scout's electric bolts or those crystals in the Crystalline Caverns?

    I've never actually thought to test this out myself so I have no idea…

  5. Nice to see some updated info for engineer, but a topic I'd like to see is generalist builds with a minor twist for dealing with hoarders (especially solo) because i have some of the most atrocious luck among the players I know (who are on PC while I'm on PS5) I've had hoarders in an entirely different cavern from me start panicking and burrow long before I even enter the cavern, I've had them start panicking from across a giant cavern despite the fact I never even shot at it, I've even had a hoarder perform witchcraft to phase through a good 10-15 meters of rock to another cavern on magma core to escape me, the worst one was a hoarder I was staying next to and constantly hitting that moved 5 meters and just instantly burrowed despite the fact I was next to it and hitting it.
    So I wouldn't mind seeing some builds, for every class, from early game (like gunner minigun with the improved stun mod) to some overclock options (say spinning death or return to sender breach cutter with disruptive tuning to try stun-locking the traitorous bugs).
    I'd say, in my experience, scout has some of the hardest times pinning down a hoarder in solo play

  6. I wish that you could have overclocks on the sentry's. For example there could be a overclock that when you recall it it explodes and damages everything around it but at the cost of some reserve ammo so if your sentry's are out of ammo but there is a metric fuckton glyphids around it then it explodes and does damage but it takes some of your max ammo from the get go

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