
Cyberpunk 2077 Lacks Depth

Cyberpunk 2077 Lacks Depth

#Cyberpunk #Lacks #Depth

“Everett Zarnick”

Eccentric, satirical, and inconsistent, Cyberpunk 2077 aims for higher standards than it manages to maintain for itself.

0:00 Introduction
3:46 Let’s Begin
17:00 2077’s Early Structure
19:12 Fundamentals
26:30 The Beginning (and end) of Dexter…



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  1. Cyberpunk is probably my favorite game of all time.. but I’m always willing to hear criticism out.. I will admit the whole holo call thing and really just the cell phones all in all within universe really don’t make any damn sense .. I see a lot of comments hating on u or being nasty but so far I think you’ve expressed ur opinions well, and u don’t come off like ur purposefully hating on the game, even if I disagree with some of ur criticism .. so I’m not sure what everyone is so butt hurt about

  2. The AI Alt you see is NOT the original Alt. She states that several times. She has Alt's memories and skills, but has evolved to a diffeerent, if similar entity. We see her as a giant nekked red Alt, because Johnny sees her as such. Also explained by her. In fact, engram Johnny might not even be like the original. Arasaka can alter engrams. It's a huge driving point for Johnny, explained by him after dealing with the VDBs.
    On the subject of free will. You may pick up on outside information and influences, but what you do with it, that is your free will. It's a lot more complex than left or right hand. It takes into account your experience, your knowledge, your mood, your intentions and a lot more. All that is to say that despite the same variables, this specific result vomes from a looong combination of factors. Which is usually referred to as "free will". It is not completely free, a better term would be "unique, personal will", but that just doesn't sound as romantic.

  3. I saw the title, and I was intrigued to maybe there would be a point.
    I saw the dislikes, and I thought people were just overreacting.
    I saw the comments, and I had a notion that maybe the viewers just stopped watching 2 minutes in.
    I watched the video – am now 25 minutes in…

    and this is one of the worst videos I've ever seen.

    It's not the video that's bad. It's the writing and person behind it.
    Absolutely unlikeable.

    This is not how you convey your point. This feels pretentious, passive-aggressive, insulting (even of those who try to stay), and attacks the intelligence of those watching.

    "Are you still watching?" "Do you hate my points?" "Well, it's not my video's fault. It's CDPR's fault."

    That's how you're framing this.

    Any fault you have, you're putting on anyone else. Fuck this. Take the dislike.

  4. 9:30 have you never had a job before? You don’t think ppl who work at Amazon say “that Jeff Bezos bitch”? You’re conflating professional sports with a corporate working environment lmao

  5. I actually thought about the camera selfie thing because at one point very early on I got called by Jackie and he was right in front of me. I think it's just a more well disguised NPC screen where you can see them emote without the Oblivion zoom. I don't think there's an universe explanation, but considering the tech it can be something as silly as your implants create a digital avatar that it sends the person you're calling so you can emote, but again, it might not even be in-universe and just a player and non-diegetic.

    The currency being called Eurodollar is not a CD Projekt thing. the game is based in an existing IP, a tabletop game and in its world-building the currency is called Eurodollar. It might sound silly because nowadays we have a currency called the "Euro", but the Cyberpunk the pen and paper RPG predates not only the EU but its common currency. It's original symbol was § but when the euro actually got created it was revised to E$ or €$. The reason why it's called Eurodollar is because… well, it was created by an American in the 1980s going "what would European money be called? EURODOLLAR!".

    The looting system is specially annoying because the game has shards that increase some key aspects like your maximum cyberware rating and they will only ever drop a few times and if you don't pick it's gone. So you're forced to scavenge even when you don't want to.

  6. I like that the scanner hustles all follow a narrative that we don't interact with in each district that get resolved once we complete the Most Wanted hustles. The shards are always a great read to make the world feel like it progresses without V's direct involvement.

  7. cyberpunk 2077 stars V, a character who exists in a quantum superposition, being either a naive young merc slowly being killed by a malfunctioning biochip, or a psychopathic unstoppable god of violence who takes pleasure in massacring hordes of gangoons, owns 10 apartments, 50 cars, a wardrobe worth millions of eddies, has a private armory that would make militech blush, and is more implant than man, depending on whether or not the player is observing the story.

  8. While I think it's a fair review, the second half doesn't really connect your thoughts on determinism to your refusal to becoming an engram and I believe that the struggle to join these two points together showcases more depth in the writing than was given credit for.

    PS: The romance interest bit could have been given more time, seems to me that you took them at face value and either did not finish or considered their full questlines when making character judgements.

  9. I appreciate your very in-depth discussion about the main story and some of the game mechanics and even a little bit of the side stories, but I think you didn't talk enough about the rest of the side stories. Maybe you didn't play them, I don't know. To be fair, I haven't watched the whole video yet. But from what I see from the chapters you don't seem to talk about more of the side stories nor any of the DLC. Which in my opinion doesn't bring you the whole experience of what This game actually has to offer. Because the side stories and the DLC are the best the game has to offer, in my opinion.Yes, the main story is relatively short and maybe even surface level but that's OK for me. I totally understand your critique but I love the game mostly for aspects you just didn't even mention.Just kind of unfortunate.Because you didn't even take a look at them.The DLC is, in my opinion, the best part of the game.Obviously you can say "well, a DLC shouldn't be the best part of the game," and that's fair. But yes, still.Those are the reasons I absolutely love this game.

  10. Why you say its lacking in depth ? you can attack it in many ways but not with the depth of story or lore…. Just say you just played the game it didnt catched you and you didnt checked out the lore netflix series etc…
    For example your first dialog options you can reach only some ending with the dialog options Many ways to play missions or small quests via dialog or just gameplay or way to aproach it…. The ending is a cliff hanger on purpose i bet .And the Calls are with a face because its a HOLOGRAM…. goddamn like i said just say you didnt got the lore or anything with the game. stoped watching at 10min.

  11. There is no selfie stick involved the caller image is generated by their agent, please read the Cyberpunk Red rulebook for details. Also Eurodollar is also from the original Cyberpunk tabletop game. The problem here is not that you have little history with the developer, but with their original source material.

  12. The one thing that annoys me to no end about Cyberpunk lore is the abuse of eurodollars.

    Actual eurodollars are US dollar denominated bank deposits issued by banks outside the Federal Reserve System. These deposits require correspondence banks for settlement. This makes eurodollars inherently subservient to the actual dollar.

    FYI bank deposits are liabilities of the issuing bank, not the cash you deposit at a bank. That cash is not yours. Bank simply record what's owed to depositors on their balance sheet.

  13. Wow!! Result! A gamer with braincells to rub together! How wonderfully refreshing ma dog, just a few too many rough inconsiderate hot takes on games these days unfortunately. Most players I've noticed rarely criticize the parts that seem to fly under their radar completely! They spend an age going over & over the same obvious nonsense, mostly of the top of their heads.It's quite annoying they fail to observe sooo much that really needs calling out, as extremely shallow & superficial & is yet another ominous sign of the times…Lotta people crossing their fingers for A.I to write dialogue properly in future.rather than obnoxious , petty, people who have a need to drag their delusional propaganda dogma into the game. It can be patronising beyond belief, especially when it's employed so bloody regularly instead of good writing that takes effort. Deux Ex HR already laid the groundwork for authentic bionic implant transhumanism….. It's almost like they just didn't understand sci-fi lol.

  14. you only did one play through??? and did all side quest?? what about the new dlc? all of these things greatly impact the depth. how can you show us a fair review or better yet even have a review at all if you havent seen other endings or whole subplots.

  15. any game i play, after about 70 hours, i get bored, CP2077 was probably my third game after Zelda OoT and FFX where I clocked 250+ hours because it had DEPTH.

  16. A masterclass on how to misunderstand the purpose of a narrative. Well done.

    The Last of Us and its consequences have been a disaster for narrative games that rely on still being video games.

  17. it's a shame you're getting disliked bombed because people won't allow anyone to critique this game for any reason at all. Defending this game for fixing it's terrible techincal state years after the fact seems to be the "thing to do" nowadays. But I played cyberpunk at launch, and the problem was never the bugs, it was always a half baked narrative, a severe lack of meaningful choices and branching mission paths, and poor writing. Kinda crazy that an anime almost entirely shifted the perspective of cyberpunk, seemed like no one was singing cyberpunk's praises in any narrative front until the animated series came out, and all the sudden there was this strange "CYBA PUNK DA BES, DA FEELIN WHEN EDGERUNNER MUSIC PLEY AND UR GUNNA FIGHT SMASHER" effect where everything was recieved with this underserving amount of fervor

  18. Your "Argument Against Free Will" lacks (a lot) depth. I don't think it's even debatable [sic]. (And no, I don't feel "personally attacked" by a question as old as philosophy itself)

  19. You ever think the holocalls are a digital representation of the person calling you?
    We already have that tech with Apple Vision Pro by scanning your face.

  20. I love the game but wish some plot elements weren't quite so contrived and that there were more ending options. e.g. songbird finding some weird kwerk in the relic to contact V to start the DLC is REALLY convenient and an example of where a small bit extra could add that depth that would just make it better all round. Like maybe after downing SF1 hansen hires some merc's to go fight its security rather than use his own force or maybe Songbird pre-plans some mercs to rescue her (under the pretense its to save the president) and finds out she can contact you when V is close.

    Also Panam IS the worst character in the game…. followed closely by the lady behind the bar at the afterlife, the one who hires you to drive in races tells you a sob story about wanting to win it to honor her late husbands memory but really just wants to use you to kill his murderer (according to her) …. just be up front about it being a hit job … murder is like business as usual in night city.

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