
[Full stream] – Extreme Evolution: Drive to Divinity [Part 2]

[Full stream] – Extreme Evolution: Drive to Divinity [Part 2]

#Full #stream #Extreme #Evolution #Drive #Divinity #Part

“fruit salad”

(this played throughout the stream, I started with track 2 and ended near the end of track 6.

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  1. YEES dude i was waiting for this!! this game is just so surreal and interesting ive been thinking about getting it myself, good stuff man!

  2. as someone who experiences misophonia: there doesn't exist a better string of words in the english lexicon to describe the experience than "it hurts". certain sounds inflict a level of discomfort so extreme it makes you want nothing more than to stop hearing it, which seems perfectly analogous (if you can call a bodily experience that) to being hurt by something & wanting the pain to stop. if it could be said to "hurt" in a location, i'd just have to say my nervous system, the skull & spine primarily. i'll also mention that it applies to more than the typical nails-on-chalkboard lot, and varies greatly between people; for me, i can get bothered by hearing certain fabrics rustle or the fry in peoples' voices, just as examples.

  3. I think polyp doesn't follow one ball in particular, I think it follows the avarage position of all balls, and when you transform you teleport to the spot the camera was following.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing Grayfruit play through more of this, It's really cool seeing how different his playthrough is to my own. I hope he gets to the Ex-Site from Outer Divine Atrium, that might have been my favorite part of the game!

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