
Has Buying Za Online Really Gotten This Easy?! | Erick Khan,

Has Buying Za Online Really Gotten This Easy?! | Erick Khan, Goblin, Tim

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“Pine Park”


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Has Buying Za Online Really Gotten This Easy?! | Erick Khan, Goblin, Tim



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  1. You in fact don't want to go to a cranberry bog, full of wolf spiders just everywhere and there all alive, they won't bite but they will climb and crawl, you also can't kill them since they're actually an important part of the cranberry production since they protect from pests

  2. I had gotten caught when I was 17 with a Trapped cart, took a hit after school got sick out of my little sister called my parents and then the ambulance showed up, just remember showing a piece of pizza crust( thought it was my lung) to the paramedics

  3. My first time get caught I got caught at school with my dad pipe and a lil bit of weed I had got from a friend and I had to do all of my dads chores he said if you think you are a man I will treat you like one

  4. Goblins so extra about logan airport. I go there every year and its not that bad. I might just be more familiar so to me its not that bad but hes still extra af. definitely not the worst airport. I fly from LAX to Logan every year and I personally think LAX is worse. not hating tho I love goblin

  5. First time I got caught smoking weed I was 12 years old, smoking out of a one hitter in a public place with this older girl. Town worker shows up to clean which was fine, this particular worker knows my family as well as the girl I was with, he asked if we were smoking and we didn’t even lie, we thought he was chillin but he went home after work and told his mom, who asked my mom if she knew about it (to which she said no) and thats how it happened. Stupid way to get caught

  6. I smoked in my washroom when I was younger I had a pipe so I ashed it in the toilet and flushed each time, I thought I was good since nobody said anything about the smell until it was night time and my dad somehow found pieces of ash or resin In the toilet, I tried denying it saying it was dookie until he made me smell it 😭. Wild times

  7. Not my first time getting caught but I was helping my dad’s girlfriend move and her son offered me a hit off the blunt and I just about greened out off the first couple hits (don’t know if anything else was in it lmao) so my dads girlfriend get back and sees me passed out in a chair on the porch and just tells me to get in the moving truck, her son ended up smacking a stone pillar at the storage complex in the moving truck and my dad came to pick me but he was chill ended up getting food and got grounded the next day.

  8. First time my parents caught me I was biking in the middle of the main road at 3:30AM with a pipe a joint & .5 grounded up in a little gram baggy in my pocket cop drives by turns around stops in front of me i tuck my pipe in my pants didn't have time to get the weed out cop reached in my pocket DROPED the .5 on the ground found the joint then he put me in cuffs in the car drove me home the pipe fell out of my pants as we were walk up my driveway i pick it up & toss it cop didn't see cuz i was behind him told my parents then GAVE my dad the joint it was his anyways i stayed up all night morning went to the same spot to look for that .5 of weed found it it was still lying on the ground in the grass between the road & sidewalk

  9. Dying in space, outside of the ISS or any shelter is the worst way to die. First, the air in your lungs will cause them to expand and rupture as your body is exposed to the vacuum of space and immediate decompression from the vacuum. Also, you don't immediately run out of oxygen, you have about 15 seconds of it. Not that it matters cause, unless you want your lungs to expand and rupture, you'll have to immediately exhale. Then, as the decompression sets in, your bodies tissues skin will begin to expand until it basically can't anymore. At this point, if you're still alive, your bodily fluids and tissues will literally start to vaporize due to the decompression messing with the boiling temperatures of your body. After all that has happened and your bodies a husk of its former self, depending on your exact location in space, one half of your body will dry like a raisin and the other half will freeze solid. That's why dying is Space is the worst thing imaginable

  10. Here in Indiana I noticed a QR code at a gas pump that said “your neighborhood plug” or something like that 😂
    Always anticipate the next vid keep it up guys 🤙

  11. Just finished some platinum garlic 🧄, smoking a wedding cake x animal cookies cart 💒🍰 , an bout chop some orangeade x mimosa x California orange 🍊 and a lil more platinum garlic 🧄

    Tbh yall need to do like a bong hit every 5 mins every episode, your in training soldiers! 🪖 let’s go

  12. Got caught smoking my passing out at the dinner table off a 1000mg edible had a seizure in front of the fam an when I woke up my mom was otp wit 911 an ig they thought I was choking on food an then had a seizure but I just remembered blacking out in the end had to go to the hospital an get my blood tested an a iv pretty wild getting caught story tbh 😂 parents cool with me smoking now but it took a few years of tryna show em bud ain’t the same as 1000mg edible🤣

  13. I was 15 years old when my dad had caught me smoking a joint in my room he walked in on me while rolling up and we were just looking at each other for a solid 10-15 min point blank just peer starring at each other and moments later he just said “ I did it once so shit I can’t even blame you “ and walked right back to his couch 😂 ( kept it between us and my mom never knew )

  14. Got drug tested the night I smoked for the first time. Hanging with some homies n some of them were smoking outside in a shed out of mountain dew bottle, I took a little baby hit because I felt sorta peer pressured n didn't want to bitch out, n I ended up hanging out with them for a few more hours. Fast forward that night, I start bugging out during dinner with the fam and start saying some weird shit or something and out of no where I started being asked by my parents if I'm high. Parents must've been waiting for this day to come because after denying being high, they busted out a drug test and told me to prove it. Some how pissed clean but holy shit that was not a fun night.

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