
heart disease causes (carnivore vs. vegan doctors)

heart disease causes (carnivore vs. vegan doctors)

#heart #disease #carnivore #vegan #doctors

“Lauren Knight Hughes”

In this segment of opposing views, heart disease causes are discussed between two of the most successful cardiologists in their field.

Dr. Ovadia is a cardiologist who supports the carnivore lifestyle as the optimal diet, Dr. Kahn is a Vegan who supports a Plant Based Lifestyle to prevent heart…



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  1. 25 minutes in and love the discussion. I admit I am a carnivore and have no plans to go vegan but glad to hear two sides and in many cases similar approaches but different treatment styles. I am definitely a Dr Ovadia fan. I hope to stay off of his operating table as he says.

  2. Bottom line, more studies on animal based (carnivore and ketogenic) diets are needed…but I don’t think we will get them.

    No sugar
    No processed foods
    No seed oils

    Emphasize whole foods and you will be healthier!!!

    Now, pass the ribeye!!!

  3. So for the people who are saying they are on one side or the other: there is no side. They both agree that PERSONALIZED medicine is the way. There are too much variability between people, whether its genetic, environmental, lifestyle, etc…Best we will ever be able to do is to is adapt treatments to individuals after thorough evaluation.

  4. The acadaemia supports veganism. The acadaemia is corrupt. Science is experimentation and observation and the science supports carnivore. Kahn is either stupid, corrupt or suffering from cognitive dissonance.

  5. Great job bringing these two doctors together for this discussion. One of the several points of note was with Dr. Kahn and his dismissive choice of words and overreaction to Ancel Keys questions. I question this type of approach.

  6. Kahn mentioned Dariush Mozaffarian. Then and there I lost him completely.
    He's corrupted, if not completely evil. If you're quoting that unmentionable fella, you've lost your self-respect.

  7. If the fruits were so good for diabetes prevention, then I should not have progressed from prediabetes to full-blown diabetes within just a few years.
    I never had a sweet tooth, but I fought against my instinct and religiously ate fruits every day as strongly advised by not one, not two, but three doctors.
    Looking back, I made myself sick by eating a multitude of fruits, which turned out to be toxic to my liver and inappropriate for my metabolism.
    When I asked them what next? "Medication" was the unanimous answer.

  8. Interesting that Dr. Khan took 5 minutes to search using Google (biased search results) and found a bunch of studies supporting his narrative, then copied and pasted them into Twitter (X), without reading each, analyzing the methologies, looking for biases, or checking the data. That tells you a lot! Let's base our opinions on volume of studies (follow the money!) And not on the quality of the study!

  9. Great discussion. Nice job as a mediator. The American Dietetic Association was founded by religiously driven vegans. Little has changed in 100 years IMO. Vegans seem to be driven by religious ideology. Proof? Would Dr. Kahn benefit from an ounce of quality meat? Of course, he would, but he won't because he wouldn't be able to virtue signal that he's vegan for 47 years. Vegans can't be trusted to be unbiased.

  10. I have a paid project, I can pay some money for below-proper study is extremely simple, steps1- take course of excel then create excel sheet with 4 columns. one excel with 4 columns and then find out 100 people who lived 90+(imp is they remained healthy and active for most of their life) Name email age and what person ate since 5 years old to 90 years and last column other habits/fasting habits and go interview them live on youtube and fill the excel and add last important columns(were you carni or vegan crazy for 90 years). This last column will always be NO when that excel is filled with 100 interviews.

  11. agenda and camp based videos(carni crazy or vegan crazy fad diets just like dems and reps) No one is ever checking people who lived 85+ and what was their diet for 85 years. They never ever were carni crazy(imagine eating red meat 3/4 times since day 1 of their life as baby… or imagine person eating spinach and green smoothies for whole life…). Remember fad diets disappear every 10 years, fat was bad 10 yrs back now carbs are bad after 5 years same will bad mouth proteins..

  12. Kahn is wrong… there are millions of vegetarians are not Centenarians not even passing 80's age with tons of carbs eaten turned into sugar to bp and diebetis and then some type of colon cancer because of too much glycation… and I know vegetarians who lived 90+ and also meat eaters who lived 90+. Means its not about only plants or meat. Does Kahn have seen people who lived 80+ who are meat based most of their life?? or they ignore the data and push their agenda….these vegan youtube amateur doctors(so called healthcare experts…) just push their agenda and do not look into real life data of people who lived 80+ and what they ate…

  13. I just want to add that I think patients ought to be asking their doctor to help them identify whether there is plaque, whether its growing, staying the same or reducing, and what is causing it. We have to push for help with this and not just accept the one size fits approach. I really respect both of these doctors for being willing to look at their patients as individuals and also listening to what their patients are saying they need and can do. That partnership is what medicine OUGHT to be.

  14. Wow! What a GREAT interview! Huge props for this desperately needed cultural CPR. We can have civil conversations and our own opinions and self control and lively discussion and still retain our worth as people! Thank you for this Lauren, Dr. Khan and Dr. Ovadia, great work and very helpful for all of us trying to work this out!

  15. No problem with vegans but do not push the cholesterol or red meat agenda.. stay in your lane bc you have no clue what you are talking about you are just regurgitating bs from paid studies from biased groups

  16. Before I start I can see that Dr Kahn is full of oedema all over his face, has severely swollen sinuses and is nearly completely blind. Not looking good for a plant based diet😰

  17. Dr. Ovadia is such a genteman and CLEARLY won this debate , the "ANECDOTAL" evidence cannot be ignored ,so many people on youtube reversed all thier chronic illnesses doing a Carnivore diet but they will NEVER admit it because it would destroy BIG PHARMA ! Dr. Khan had NOTHING but his "OPINIONS" with no evidence at all that a "PLANT BASED" which has poisinous chemicals called "lectins" PLUS what ever toxins are sprayed on them is called a low fat/low cholesteral diet that we should all follow for preventing heart attacks ? Absolute nonsence !

  18. You cannot call a Doctor an Expert when he is obviously biased and uneducated when it comes to the facts about meat eating primarily! He is no expert whatsoever…..Studies are never useful because they are most often biased depending who is paying for the studies and who is doing them. Period! This is like when you get two so-called bible scholars together and they argue and disagree with each other. Which of them is right and correct? Most likely NEITHER of them….they are simply people with opinions (interpretations)

  19. I believe that two factors cause heart disease and cholesterol is not one of them. The two are sugar and seed oils. Each causes arterial inflammation and when both are eaten, deleterious effect of metabolic imbalance is doubled. Just my 2 cents.

  20. @29:43 he forgot to mention that in his 7 Countries Study (Diet-Heart Hypothesis), Ancel Keys cherry-picked the data (since there were actually 22 countries)! 🤦

    Edit: I stand corrected…at the end of the video, he rejects this fact as stupidity. He talks about bias yet he throws a temper tantrum at even a mention of an opposing view (oh wait…he said he's friends with Ancel Keys' family members😌). 🤐

  21. Very nice interviews Lauren. I like that it was a respectful debate between two highly educated colleagues who seemed to have an equally shared goal for optimal human health for their patients. Neither have a my way or the highway viewpoint and I think we need more of this.

  22. Another excellent show. The final nail in the coffin for me was the Doc that used the Ansel Keys study as being good science. It once again showed that the Vegan Docs are making decisions based on political views not scientific views.

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