
horror games that are actually scary

horror games that are actually scary

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  1. To me The Evil Within has such a special place in my heart, it was the first horror game my brother and i played ourselves and we were so so stressed and scared the entire time and to this day i get that same feeling of terror and i just get taken back to when i saw it for the first time

  2. The scariest ones that I played were the original Dead Space (I even couldn't beat it again), Outlast (couldn't beat the Whistleblower DLC because of that damned Frank Manera), and RE2 remake (Tyrant stalker was way too much).

  3. SONG OF HORROR is personally unbeatable for me. It's very classic horror inspired, 3rd person cameras, but the game is stressful beyond words.
    You start with 4 characters each episode, choose one, and get to know them through playing them. Then there's the permadeath. The permadeath that guilt trips you for getting them killed when you come back to that spot with another character and see the "ghost" of the first character, sobbing in the corner of the room because not only are they not dead, they've become trapped in a fate WAYYYY worse than death.
    The mechanics are stressful as fuck, because the easiest deaths come from random encounters with short time limits to react, a couple are jumpscare initiated. A lot of people aren't fans of jumpscares, but it works well with this game because they're caused by panic, noise, and increased heart rates….. which come from your character running. So the game makes you walk slowly, take in the environment and look at everything, and build tension through the slow progression to suddenly and arbitrarily scare the fuck out of you with bleeding walls and your character screaming I HAVE TO HIDE while you frantically look at your map because you don't remember where all 2 of the hiding spots are in the area.
    There's also random events like seeing fucked up figures in the distance for a few seconds, or looking at photographs of the entities people have been seeing only to walk out of the room and catch a brief glimpse of one of them stalking you. Or walking past a mirror or some environmental object with a reflection to see a messed up version of your character staring dead at you. And they're all randomized, so there's not a 100% guarantee you'll see them all, or even half of them. It's so amazingly done and SO underrated.

    edit: forgot to mention the first game mechanic you're introduced to is putting your ear up to literally every single door you ever come across to listen super closely for anything on the other side because EVERY SINGLE DOOR has a chance to instantly kill you if the entity is inhabiting the entire room on the other side.

  4. Resident Evil 7 was my first real horror game and its still one of my favorites to this day. Nothing will match the pure gut-wrenching dread that I experienced playing through the first half of that game. It wasn't even because of the jumpscares, the atmosphere alone was enough to terrify me.

  5. I think that being scared of PT is ok, I'm not, but I have a friend that I was playing VR chat with, and we found a 1 to 1 PT map, and he said that he prefers to sleep that night

  6. I love so many mentions of Cry of fear, God that game was amazing and so filled with nightmare fuel storie and monsters. To any horror fan, I can't recommend it enough. And it's free on steam, no excuses

  7. Bioshock has been my ear worm for my whole ass life. When I saw Jack’s tattoos I was like those are gonna be MY FIRST tattoos and that’s exactly what I did 😤♥️🫰🏽✨

    I love Bioshock, love the lthemes, love the characters, love the story, love the gameplay, just omg 😮‍💨♥️🫰🏽

    Also Bioshock 2 is the best one and you are correct Infinite is bad. Like REALLY bad. It also went through development HELL. The DLC definitely made it so much worse and it makes me angry when I think about it and honestly thinking about that game in general is very upsetting lol

  8. Still till this day, I'd say that 'Amnesia the Dark Decent' is still one of the most scariest games I've come across. It isn't because of the monsters; in fact, it's because of the horrifying atmosphere (and score/music) that complements the classically gothic and somewhat 'Lovecraftian' horror story being told. The atmosphere still holds up, and there's not many games that come close to it in that regard.

  9. I love bioshock 1 and hate bioshock infinite. It was annoying how many people liked bioshock infinite. I know some people don't like it but The Evil With-in 1 holds a special place in my heart. It's not perfect but I appreciate certain aspects about it.

  10. Personally, if you can easily fight back in a game it removes a ton of the horror for me. Many games incentivize running away or stealth as opposed to combat because it’s just not worth fighting because a couple enemies can easily overwhelm you.

    Legitimately scary games:
    Silent Hill series

    Scariest ever IMO: Siren series

  11. The same part you mentioned about PT, where you have to peek in the crack in the door, I fucking hated that so much. I was playing it with a group of friends, and we were taking turns passing the controller back and forth, and it was my turn. I went through the hallway several times, not knowing what I had to do next, and I even saw the crack in the door, but thought it was weird that I couldnt' interact with it. Soon after, I was pressing various buttons to see what they would do, and as soon as I found out that one of the buttons allowed you to zoom in, my heart sank. I already pieced it together what was going to happen next. I instantly knew that they wanted me to look through that door and zoom. And I already was anticipating a jumpscare coming, and low and behold, when it did, it still scared the ever loving shit out of me. I honestly have no idea how people can enjoy games like that. I hate being scared lol

  12. I played Bioshock because I got Bioshock for free on the Xbox 360 with Games with Gold back in the day. I knew that I didn't want to just play the third game without playing the prequels, so I bought Bioshock and Bioshock 2. I was fascinated with the characters on the covers. Playing the first Bioshock game me a scare that I did not ever want to experience again, as I am not a person who is into horror games at all. The only horror games I have confidently beaten to this day are Resident Evil 4, and Bioshock. In Bioshock, I hated the dread of hearing the enemies talking and saying they're looking for me as I cowered in fear awaiting their approach. I always would just back myself in a corner so that I had the best chance of seeing them coming.

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