
How a Leap Day Took Down Microsoft

How a Leap Day Took Down Microsoft

#Leap #Day #Microsoft

“Kevin Fang”

A look into one of the largest leap day bugs in history, as well as how Microsoft Azure’s compute platform works (well, worked – it has been over 10 years. Though the fundamentals likely remain the…



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  1. YYYY-MM-DD please! MM-DD-YYYY is ridiculous. Do you put the minute, then the second, then the hour?! Do you put the tens place, then the ones place, then the hundreds place?!

  2. 0:06 I've always found it weird how people fumble over the word "azure". It's a shade of blue. There was also a once popular torrent client named Azureus (named after the dart frog. It's now called Vuze). Anyway, every one of those pronunciations said in that section were wrong too 😂. It's like.. a-zhur where the zh is like an "sh" but not quite lol

  3. You can't go wrong when dealing with milliseconds since unix epoch… well, unless you're living in the pretty distant, possibly non-existent future

  4. Microsoft employees, their whole lives: Haha, PHP is so stupid for allowing creation of January 32nd that automatically becomes February 1st. HAHAHA January 32nd! So stupid, amirite? 🤣
    Microsoft employees on February 29th, 2012: Ooohhh……. 😶

  5. It's because of Microsoft's wonderful engineering – even when using Linux, they manage to frick stuff up.

    Buy your own servers. Install Linux. Make your own cloud. Be a man.

  6. Once they figured the source of problem, they could have just wait for a day to pass. Next day the bug would not manifest, and they would have 4 years to deploy fix. Recovery lasted until tomorrow anyway 🙂

  7. Go UTC already Microsoft, and use Posix Date and Time functions to get future dates. Windows and its grampa VMS used local time, and were awful during DST, we just shut down the servers during those times

  8. Your description of Type 2 hypervisors is a bit off. Yes theres a bit of overhead, but there isn't really a performance difference, if it is true virtualization and not emulation. Your guest OS actually bypasses your host OS and runs natively on the CPU. This is why you need to enable virtualization in the BIOS on your motherboard.

    The reason we have type 1 hypervisors is that the overhead that is there is minimized. You don't have something as bloated as a full feature OS, you have the bare minimum for the optimal performance of managing the virtual machines. But its not slower because "goes through OS AND the hypervisor". This happens on type 1 and type 2, just in type 1 the OS is the hypervisor

  9. Clout computing is seen as this amazing thing, and it's probably good for small companies, but for literally anyone else even hobbyists, you should without a doubt acquire your own hardware because you can handle your own data better than a company known for harvesting and selling peoples data.

  10. It is kinda ironic to see this meltdown happened in a biga$$ Azure when the devops behind this infrastructure was most probably taught or had an assignment to create a leap year calculator on C. Such a basic concept slipped through.

  11. Man, I just want to tell you that your videos are amazing, and every time a new one comes out, it is like the happiest day of my life

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