
How does VMware compare to Microsoft Hyper-V? | Microsoft

How does VMware compare to Microsoft Hyper-V? | Microsoft Licensing

#VMware #compare #Microsoft #HyperV #Microsoft

“LicenseQ: Microsoft Licensing Optimization Experts”

VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V are two popular virtualization platforms on the market. Both offer a wide range of features and benefits, but there are also some key differences between the two.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a better understanding of the key differences between VMware and…



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One Comment

  1. This is not a good comparison. In fact it is a terrible comparison. What VMware product were you actually comparing? VMware workstation beats a local Windows 10 Hyper-V hands down in terms of functionality but costs money. The enterprise version of VMware vSphere (with vCenter as the centralised management platform and ESXi which is the Hypervisor which runs on bare metal) is so much better than the Microsoft equivalent (System Center – Virtual Machine Manager)! Again VMware is more expensive, but not as much as what you'd think. ESXi is a much more efficient hypervisor than Hyper-v. And if you are going for a small deployment of 3 nodes or less, then VMware is cheaper than Microsoft.

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