
How To Control Your Dopamine For Hyper-Focus And Flow State

How To Control Your Dopamine For Hyper-Focus And Flow State

#Control #Dopamine #HyperFocus #Flow #State

“Rian Doris”

New videos upload every Thursday at 9am! Subscribe if you want to use flow states to sharpen your focus, triple your productivity, and reach your goals in record time.


Rian Doris is the Co-Founder & CEO of Flow Research Collective, the world’s leading peak performance research and…



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  1. soo, when i do nothing, i think ridiculously more than the shit i was getting dopamine for anyway, how does that work?

    When i take a break, i go enter some fantasy world, or i work hard on stuff, cant rly stop my brain going full speed in every break

  2. I think it's because of the Internet and especially social media that the levels of ADHD in people is now through the ceiling. People never pause or stop. Every spare second is spent on a phone or a laptop. People have forgotten how to do nothing.

  3. Thanks for sharing this knowledge! I sometime follow boring breaks, will do it more frequently now!

    To avoid multitasking during the work, I'm making a new habit to leave my phone in another room. There are studies that show cognitive improvements if you do like this.

  4. Im here, just resisting to click the next video, just bc i know that there isnt anymore dopamin to harvest…😅😅
    Just chill for a Moment and return to work (or my hobby, as i call it😉)

  5. I have doubts about doing one thing at a time…
    Whether eating popcorn while watching movies count as doing two things at a time? (or)
    Watching youtube while eating count as doing two things at a time? (or)

  6. Yeah! you validated me and my crazy behavior at work. The behavior that makes the A types think I am unproductive. Here in Brazil, we have an old name for it: bicho carpinteiro (carpenter animal)😅 I walk a lot around the office, usually towards the drinking fountain or a window. I sit at the waiting room for a while and do nothing. I do stretching at the kitchen. And so on. How would I know it was the right thing? Furthermore, I always say I am not a woman in the sense of doing more than one thing at the time. I could when I was a teenager. But not anymore.
    Those things are natural for me. Now I can say ti people is the right thing to do😉

  7. Thank you. This is lovely. I am trying to teach my 15 and 19 year old this. This sounds ridiculous but would you make a shorter video with this message to reach a teen audience who cannot make it through a 9:51 video?
    I also teach middle school and I see an entire generation of children missing out and struggling because of their inability to be present. Thank you for considering.

  8. the production quality of your videos is superb. I learn so much from you and at the same time not bored.
    I also notice how good the video quality is, your voice is clear, the editing is not boring, the storytelling is relatable, the background music boosts excitement, and the topic is scientific-based yet the words are in lay terms.

  9. This is what I learned:
    Take boring breaks

    Don’t use your phone while doing something like:waiting in line, walking etc.

    Do only 1 thing at a time, if you’re eating,eat,if your talking to someone,talk.

    I tried these and it helped A LOT😊

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