
Hyper Autistic Warfarer Analysis – [Dragon’s Dogma 2]

Hyper Autistic Warfarer Analysis – [Dragon’s Dogma 2]

#Hyper #Autistic #Warfarer #Analysis #Dragons #Dogma

“Infinite Cringe”

Warfarer got me shivering in my timbers fr

#dragonsdogma #dragonsdogmadarkarisen



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  1. I interpret the stat stuff very differently. Did you ever play DDO? Each vocation was its own thing. Leveling Sorcerer didn't give you Warrior stats when you swapped, but it also didn't cripple you like in DDDA where you're stuck with those magic attributes. It's quite possible that each vocation has its own independent level rather than overall character level. Why else would they say "base stats" instead of "stat growth" for a vocation you can't start with? Stat system is the one thing I'm worried about still. It was so bad in the first game… and being limited to one save slot again could be terrible if you simply want to change weapons for a while without starting a whole new playthrough because it would screw your character growth permanently.

    Side note. I guess it might actually be possible that Warfarer is the new singular starting class (I've been avoiding spoilers idk), but that just makes it even weirder that they would say "base stats" if you have no other option… which still supports my idea that swapping vocations swaps out their attributes as well. I honestly don't see any other way this information makes sense.

  2. Your autism is unmatched about 2% of what you said went into my head I just like listening to nerd women yammer on and I will playing Warrior again and maybe the thief lol. I will play the game at least 80 times as warrior first 😂

  3. Seems like they might bind Warfarer weapon swap to L1+ a face button like X, leaving you with 1 less slot for skills in each weapon class. Or maybe even have something like L1+ X/O, giving you access to either weapon at any given time, but taking away 2 skill slots for each weapon type. Just a thought, and hopefully not what happens.

  4. I think warfarer will be a locked quest and that the condition to unlock it will be to master 3 vocations (which you can then equip all at once). The more vocations you master, the more weapons you can swap through and equip. (still keeping the idea that 3 is the limit) Maybe another condition will be to have finished the game once ? I saw that the litteral translation from this class from japanese was "Arisen" so that might be a lead.

  5. About base stats, it might be a multiplier. If you have 1000 physical attack at level 100 and the malus is 15%, switching to Warfarer might put you at 850 physical attack

    Also, "JAIL" comes from "GAOL" which itselves probably comes from French "GEÔLE" (which is the type of prison you have under a castle IIRC)

  6. it would be pretty simple to think that warfarer will have a unique vocation action on all of the weapon hotbars that just swaps to the next weapon in rotation or just a complete independent button

  7. it would be pretty simple to think that warfarer will have a unique vocation action on all of the weapon hotbars that just swaps to the next weapon in rotation or just a complete independent button

  8. I was thinking about how they'd go about fixing the "level sorc for 190 levels if you want to play magick archer" bullshit in the first game, and I'm sure they will fix it because no proper developer would leave it in after seeing how much people fixated on leveling tables and stats. But it's hard because the whole "vocations level you up differently" thing was pretty cool in concept and kinda unique.

    A couple of possibilities:
    Vocations add to your base stats: dumb and unsexy. This means with a high level cap vocations stop mattering after a while.
    Vocations have stat multipliers: smart but still unsexy. This means vocation stat bonuses stay relevant throughout the whole game at least.

    But what are the base stats then, if vocations don't affect your leveling scheme?

    Is it race based, which ironically would be most unbased option, forcing people to play classes linked with the proper race? This sounds really bad.
    Are we going to be able to spend stat points on level up? Yeah, right. Doesn't feel like a DD thing at all.

    Are base stats just numbers that grow with each level, modified by the equipped vocation? Like, by level X all characters have 50 in all stats, but then the vocation multiplies those values?
    I think this is what they're most likely to be going for, and you would never even see the raw stats because you can't unequip vocations. I don't like this much tbh. This means you never have any reason to start a new game, since a dude with 200 fighter levels could become a master sorcerer by killing rabbits for a hour and not lose any fighter effectiveness in the process.
    Seeing as we get 999 levels, assuming this is gonna be in the final game, I think they're going for a single character experience, which would be supported by this design choice.
    Tbh the first game wanted you to play on a single character too, considering how you couldn't have 2 save slots and had to manually back up your shit.

    But this highlights another issue. If level really goes up to 999 then it might mean the game will scale the monsters to player level, cause you know they aint doing areas with a thousand levels of difference between them. I REALLY FUCKING HOPE the scaling will be between NG+ cycles, cause if they're putting skyrim scaling in my DD i'm flying over to japan and creating a self defense situation. Almost positive it's gonna be between NG+ cycles though. Almost.

    So yeah, base stats increase linearly for all characters, vocations multiply them, thus allowing you to switch vocations and become as good as you would have been had you played that vocation the whole time. It's the cleanest and most streamlined solution, betting my left nut they go with that.

  9. I will probably be avoiding this "class" until a fair few playthroughs into the game. I have no interest in playing a multiclass. I play rpgs for the class fantasy, the in game reality of fulfilling a role. I even hate multiclassing in DnD. It's like the kid role-playing on the playground saying that he has everyone else's abilities as well as his.

  10. Just wait, I'm getting frustrated with the ocean of info coming out without the actual game to confirm anything. Please ppl let this be the last video and please Capcom just try to contain some info before the game comes out. I feel like I played the game already. No offense to the creator or Capcom but I love this franchise too much and my hype meter can't handle anymore info.

  11. Idk what about Warfarer being "objectively better than anything else", but for me it looks like trickster is going to be gimmicky fun but objectively bad vocation. Based on what was shown, trickster requires a lot of setup to challenge even a band of goblins, and heavily relies on terrain features. Idk what other skills trickster get but it seems that unique skills are hard to use and their reward is purely aesthetic (haha, stupid goblin falls down).

  12. You said you don't know much about Duospear right? The Mystic Spearhand vocation takes a lot of inspiration from the Spirit Lancer from Dragons Dogma Online, so there's something to base your expectations from

  13. 6:00 wouldn’t “getting less base stats per lvl” with the warfarer counteract your original statement of “20 lvls on fighter, switch to mage and it’s as if you leveled 20 times as mage.” ?

  14. If it’s true that stats change and level up once you change vocations, this would a huge difference from DD1. It would mean no more min maxing characters unfortunately. Like when I run a mage in DD1 I always swap to Warrior for like 5-7 levels just to get a health pool before I swap back. Great analysis!

  15. I don't think the game is going to change your base stats when you change vocation, it seems much more likely that it gives you a debuff instead.

    Watching the showcases when people leveled up, it showed how many points were added to each different stat. Why would you bother if changing vocation just shuffles all that anyway?

    It would be easier, and more consistent if it was like the "cursed" debuff from DDDA.

    Those are my thoughts anyway.

    And another thing I noticed, I'm not convinced you'll be able to level to 999. After all, you couldn't level to infinity either. It maybe just displays that at max level.

  16. Good response to the "realism" of putting your shield behind you so that your body can protect it from getting scratched by enemy weapons lol

    This may not be the way it works at all, but my first thought is that the perfect block there is timing-sensitive so that the animation leaves you wide open if you miss the window. If you go too early, your whole body is open to get hit with that animation. That's just a gameplay explanation for the animation, though

  17. My guess for wayfarer stats is your stats scale based on the vocations you have equipped so if you have a fighter and warrior and thief you’ll have a lot of stats into strength and dexterity. But if you spread them out between say a sorcerer, warrior, and archer your stats will be more spread out and lower per stat. To me that would be a cool way to balance it while also giving you build options

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